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And just like that everything was different.

She couldn't stay here. Not anymore. She must escape. For little Alf or Alfa. For Alf and herself. She didn't trust these doctors. And certainly not Tobias. She didn't even trust Embry. Where was he?

Tobias was lying. He had to be lying. There was no way he would allow her to keep her baby. She could see it in the men's eyes right now—that greedy look. They would take it away from her.

She watched, outwardly calm, as the two men packed up their equipment.

'What's going to happen now?' Prisha asked.

She didn't expect an answer—and she didn't get one. All three ignoring her as they left, wheeling their equipment out with them.

Prisha glanced at the camera. She turned towards the window. She got up and went over, her heart leaping with hope. Her hope was short lived. It was a straight down drop. Two levels. Too high to jump down. No drain pipes. No ledges. Not that she would ever attempt such a feat.

Then she looked towards the park.

'Ouch!' She slapped her hand to the back of her neck. 'I'm trying, Alf. They won't let me out.'

She studied the park but could see nothing against the streetlights. What had happened to Tobias's promise? Rubbing the back of her neck, she entered the bathroom. She splashed her neck with water.

Clutching at the sink, she stared at herself. Lines creased her mouth. Her eyes were red. Her cheeks drawn. She pulled up her shirt. Her belly button was sticking out. Her belly hung out over her pants. She shook her head. Impossible. Impossible.

She went back to bed but stayed awake, hoping for something. Anything. A surprise visitor. Hopefully Embry. Even Tobias. Perhaps even Scott. Definitely Alf. But nobody came and she fell asleep.

She woke late. Usually she was up before Lucy entered for her routine morning assessment. The nurse's grey hair was combed stiffly back. She was wearing plain grey scrubs. Professional and efficient.

'Tired today?' she asked, lifting Prisha's arm to wrap around the blood pressure cuff.

Prisha yawned. 'Yeah. Did you hear the news?'

'What news?'

Prisha yanked up her shirt. The nurse stepped back, dropping the cuff to the floor. She bent to pick it up. Her hands were trembling as she wrapped it around Prisha's arm.

'O-oh,' she grunted. 'That must have been a surprise.'

'Nah shit. Where's Embry? Have you seen him?'

The nurse shook her head as she set up for another blood test.

'I really want to see him. Can you let him know that please?'

The woman nodded and said nothing. Prisha sighed.

Once the nurse had finished, Prisha paced the room, folding her arms, raking her fingers through her hair. The back of her neck wouldn't stop burning. Twice she went to the bathroom to ease it with cool water.

She couldn't take it anymore.

'You promised me, Tobias! I want to see him!' she yelled at the camera.

She waited and she waited but there was no response. At least she was feeling better—no thanks to those doctors. The pain was gone. The nausea non-existent. In fact, she felt good. Really good. Like she could jump tall buildings. Like she could dog paddle across the Torres Strait. Like she could break through the window and drop to the ground without breaking a single bone.

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