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Prisha's mouth turned dry. 'Ah ... Who—who are you?'

The man was short with big shoulders and a bald head but his smile was polite, maybe even kind. 'My name is Paul and this is Kylie. We're here to see after your safety.'

Prisha's eyes darted towards the exit. The two policemen were standing guard, watching. Prisha's hand trembled as she brushed the hair back from her face.

'There's no need to be frightened. You haven't done anything wrong,' Kylie said. 'We're here to help you.' Her black hair was pulled into a tight bun. She was attractive and slim with deep blue eyes that seemed to be sussing Prisha out.

'H-help?' Prisha stiffened. 'My sister. They kidnapped my sister.'

'Your sister?' Kylie raised an eyebrow. 'Who took your sister?'

'Scott's friends. I don't know where she is. They just took her from the shop.' Prisha looked at them both desperately. 'They thought she was me. They could hurt her!'

The two agents looked at each other.

'If you help my sister, I'll go with you,' Prisha said earnestly. 'Her name's Renee Drager. She's fifty-two, about my height. She has blonde hair and dark eyes.' She went to search for her phone for a picture before remembering that Scott had stolen it.

Paul's brow was furrowed as he took out his own phone and walked away.

'Are you hurt, Prisha? Do you need some water?' Kylie said, looking her over. 'You look all banged up.'

Prisha didn't answer, watching as Paul finished up on his phone call. He seemed calm but wary. He went over to the two officers. They spoke briefly. They looked over at her, then he approached.

'Okay,' Paul said, rubbing his big hands together. 'Our car is waiting outside. We'll take you somewhere safe.'

'As long as you help Renee,' Prisha said.

'We'll find her,' Kylie said. 'We'll get onto it now.'

Prisha walked next to Kylie between the two officers. It was only then that Prisha noticed the gun at her hip. Paul followed behind. The shopping centre hushed and Prisha kept her face lowered as dozens of eyes fixed on her. It was a relief to step outside.

The police car was parked ahead on the curb. The black sedan was parked behind. Paul opened the rear door of the sedan and Prisha climbed inside. She expected some kind of plastic or barred partition dividing the front and back, but this wasn't a police car. She wasn't under arrest.


'Put your seatbelt on, please,' Kylie said.

Prisha did so and they drove off.

The two agents were sitting in the front. The doors were locked. The air conditioner blasted, drying the muck up Prisha's back and the sweat around her neck. Other cars whisked past as they drove down the highway. Paul was eyeing her through the rearview mirror.

Prisha swallowed. 'What's going to happen now?'

'Like we said, keep you safe,' Kylie answered.

'What about my sister? What are you doing to find my sister?'

'There are officers on the job. They have constable Gilson in custody. He's assisting them.'

'Constable Gilson?'

'Scott Gilson.'

'Oh. You got him.' Prisha leaned forward, clutching at the seat ahead desperately. 'I should be there. I should be there helping.'

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