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The walk back to her sister's home was a dull trudge, hands tucked into her pockets, head bent over the pavement. She didn't feel sad. She didn't feel angry. Simply hollowed out. Her mind and heart clung desperately to those last few hours with Alf.

They'd been the best hours of her life—and nothing would ever come close to matching it. She'd lived through the peak of her existence. The best of her life was over. It was depressing.

Prisha stood at the front door, unsure what to do. She didn't know what time it was but it was clearly late. Very late. Or was it very early? The street was dead. A car roared in the distance. Moonlight gleamed upon the neighbour's solar panels. She should call, so her sister wasn't startled by her unexpected return, but she couldn't be bothered sliding her phone out of her pocket.

She tried the handle—it was open. Renee must have left it unlocked for Prisha's arrival.

Inside was quiet except for the gentle lull of the filter in the fish tank and the hum of the fridge. A clock ticked. Very quietly, she checked on her sister. Her door was open. She was asleep, rolled onto her side. Prisha left her alone, slumping into bed with a sigh. She didn't want a shower. She didn't want to change. She could still smell him.

She rolled onto her side, staring through the window and the stars above. Her face was sticky and her chest was aching from all her ridiculous crying. Her body was stiff and sore like she'd been bucked around on a bull. She'd managed to get a little sleep while on the ship, wrapped tightly in Alf's arms.

A little.

Suddenly exhausted, she closed her eyes.


Prisha's eyes snapped open. She squinted against the grey morning light pouring in through the window.

'Oh my God, Prisha!'

Prisha rolled over. She sat up quickly as her sister launched herself across the room.

'You bitch!' Renee cried, leaping into the bed and clutching onto her. 'How could you do that?'

'I'm sorry.'

'I didn't know if you were coming back. I tried to call!'

'Uh ... well ... not much signal in space,' she said miserably.

'Are you okay? What's happened?'

Prisha nodded, then her face screwed up and she burst into tears.

'Prish!' She grabbed her shoulders. 'Are you all right? You're not hurt?'

'He's not coming back,' Prisha choked.


'Alf—he's gone. He's not coming back.'

'Oh ... oh, Prish. I'm so sorry.'

'I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm a terrible sister.' She pointlessly wiped the tears from her face as they continued falling.

'Yes, you are. But that's okay, you left a note.' She laughed tearfully. 'Honestly, Prish! But you're okay?'

'Yes. You didn't tell anyone, did you? I forgot to tell you not to.'

'Do you honestly think I'm that stupid?'

Prisha shrugged and gave a watery smile.

Renee kissed her on the forehead. 'I'm very glad you're back. I thought ... I thought maybe you wouldn't.' She turned her face quickly as her eyes turned pink.

Prisha bit down on her trembling lip guiltily. It was, after all, exactly what she'd been hoping for.

Renee took the day off from work and did her best to try and make Prisha feel better. It did help. It kind of felt like they were kids again. Movies. Bad food. Lots of ice-cream. Lots of video games and old music. Her sister even managed to get her laughing by the end of the day.

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