BTS - Here to stay | 🥀 |

Start from the beginning

The ride was silent between the pair, the music blasting in the car breaking the silence and acting like it was an actual person trying to get the duo to talk. When Seokjin parked the car at their company, he and Taehyung both hopped out, Seokjin handing Taehyung his bag. They made their way into BigHit where they were greeted by one of the security guards before heading towards their manager's office since he wanted to talk to the group.

When Seokjin opened the door, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook were already there. Their manager gestured for Taehyung and Seokjin to sit down before speaking.

"It isn't much of a deal but the place where the photoshoot was supposed to happen, there was a problem and it's been moved to our company. We're setting up one of our meeting rooms so for now, head to a practice room until the photoshoot's ready for you" he spoke before letting the group leave.

The group all left and went to the practice room they normally used. Already having an idea of what to start with, the seven members did a quick warm up then Namjoon went over to the speaker, plugged his phone in and started playing one of their songs they haven't practiced in a while.

It was going well, maybe a little too well considering Taehyung's stomach pain hasn't gotten any better and probably has gotten worse with all the moving around. After dancing to a few songs, their manager came in to inform them that the photoshoot was still delayed to the afternoon and that the schedules have been altered so their dance practice and photoshoot was switched. Taehyung was making his way over to his bag to drink so water but got one of the worst cramps yet, making him hug his stomach and crouch down, whimpering from the pain.

"Hyung!" Jungkook rushed to the older's side, seeing him in a lot of pain, "Is it your stomach?"

"Mhm" Taehyung hummed, breathing heavily.

"If your stomach hurts then go take a break and you can continue dancing after it feels better" Hoseok suggested but Taehyung shook his head, struggling to stand up.

"I don't need a break" he leaned on his only dongsaeng, kinda annoyed.

"Taehyung" Namjoon spoke up as he walked towards the younger and away from Seokjin, "Seokjin hyung just told me you've been in pain for almost a week. You really should take a break, even if it's small."

"I keep saying I'm fine and I mean it. Why can't you guys believe me?" Taehyung was beginning to get mad at his members for not taking his side.

"Seokjin hyung also told me you're refusing to rest. Go rest on the couch and watch us. You can work on memorizing the choreo better while taking a break."

"But hyung-"

"No 'But hyung'" Namjoon raised his voice, making the members freeze, "You're going to rest on the couch whether you want to or not. Now go."

Namjoon and Taehyung had a staring contest, glaring at each other before Taehyung eventually crumbled and walked passed each of the members. He sat down on the couch and didn't look anyone in the eye as Namjoon went over to his phone to restart the music. They all knew, by the way Taehyung was acting, it'd be a long ass day.

~ 3 months later ~

BTS finally got a day off since their last one four months ago, which was also the first break since Taehyung's stomach started hurting. Yes, he still had the pain and this stopped him from finding a new apartment so he still lived with Seokjin. The poor member was getting annoyed at his dongsaeng constantly complaining and yet, he refused to go to the doctor because this was obviously not just a stomach ache.

Taehyung was currently sitting in the living room, watching a movie and Seokjin was in his room. Since they had a day off, he planned to take Taehyung to the doctor's office even if he'd have to drag him against his will. He got up, seeing they'd be late to the appointment and went to the living room where Taehyung had changed to watching a drama.

"Taehyung" he got the younger's attention by shutting off the drama and taking the remote.

"Turn it back on. It just got to the good paaa- fuck" another cramp shot through the boy's stomach.

"Nope. Now get us and get ready. We're going to the doctor."

"You gotta be kidding me" Taehyung whispered, barely loud enough for Seokjin to hear.

"I'm not. This has been going on for three months so it's definitely more serious."


"Kim Taehyung. Go."

Taehyung got up and followed Seokjin to the front as he already had proper clothes on. The two got ready and went down to the car, getting in and driving away from the apartment.

~ At the hospital ~

The duo were now sitting in the hospital's waiting room, Taehyung being more nervous than ever. The true reason why he was avoiding going and getting his stomach checked was because he hated the hospital. Taehyung was never a fan of them and if he didn't have this fear, he would've gone to see if he was okay a long time ago.

"Kim Taehyung."

Seokjin stood up and grabbed Taehyung's hand, the nurse leading them to a room. They were told a doctor would come see them soon and Seokjin and Taehyung sat down on the only two of the three chairs available. Soon after, a doctor walked in and greeted the two idols, sitting down in the last free chair and telling Taehyung to lay down on the table specifically for patients.

"So Taehyung" the doctor began, "I was told your stomach's been hurting for three months, correct?"

"Yea. It's hurting quite a lot. I haven't been able to each much because of it which means I've lost some weight too."

"Okay. I'm gonna press down on your stomach to see where it hurts. Tell me to stop if it gets to be too much, okay?"


The doctor got up, lifting Taehyung shirt so it'd be a bit more accurate. Seokjin got up too and stood by Taehyung, seeing the scared look in the boy's eyes. The doctor pressed down so lightly he could barely feel anything but as soon as she put more pressure, Taehyung screamed out in pain and gripped Seokjin's arm which made the older wince a bit. The doctor immediately removed her hands and went to type something in the computer before coming back. She let Taehyung recover a bit before doing a few other tests.

"I'm looking over the results and it looks like you have chronic stomach pain. Luckily, you just need to take some medicine and rest for a bit so the recovery's quite simple" she explained to the duo, Taehyung still lying down.

"How does he need to take the medicine?" Seokjin asked as he rubbed his arm from where Taehyung grabbed it earlier.

"I'll have to give him an injection in his stomach. We can actually do that right now. I'll have to get the proper medicine first."

"Will it hurt?" this was another thing Taehyung disliked about hospitals, needles.

"The needle's thin so it would just be a small pinch. Let me go grab it. Stay lying down since it's easier to give the shot that way."

Taehyung listened which surprised Seokjin since he hasn't listened for the last three months and the doctor went and came back, the injection in hand. She took out the needle and prepared the medicine. Taehyung held up his shirt with one hand and held onto Seokjin's with the other. He winced a bit when the needle pressed into his skin and sighed in relief when he saw the needle be removed from his stomach and the spot being bandaged up.

Seokjin helped Taehyung sit up and the doctor explained a few things about Taehyung's recovery before letting them go back home. The younger was happy he'd finally be feeling better.


WC: 1919

I ordered a new desk today and it's a huge upgrade from the one I have now. The best thing about it is that it has built-in outlets and USB ports.

🎂 Happy Birthday to Masami from ALL(H)OURS 🎂

Song recommendation: 'Usseewa' by Ado

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