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sedated !!— a fame apply fic— 0/10 slots open— (plus side characters!)★☆★

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sedated !!
— a fame apply fic
— 0/10 slots open
— (plus side characters!)

started — april 14 2024
finished — tbd

© thesarcasticvillan 2024

we are deaf, we are numb
free and young and
we can feel none of it
[ sedated, hozier ]

VAL WALSH is the lead singer of Vanity, the media's new favourite topic. Being 23 and barely making her way through culinary school, becoming a pop sensation was the last thing on their 2024 bingo card.

ANDREW HOROWITZ is the bassist of Vanity and he revels in the fame. An extrovert by nature, Andrew is an avid interview candidate and Hollywood's new resident pretty boy.

DREA NEWTON is Andrew's partner and has been since they were 14. Drea despises the cameras watching their every move and won't hesitate to impolitely correct anyone who thinks they're just arm candy.

THESE THREE, along with many others, have to navigate the sick and twisted views of the public eye, the nuance of reputation and their own turbulent private lives all while also balancing the other pressures of fame and fortune.

MY OCS!! ❤︎︎

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MY OCS!! ❤︎︎

matilda de angelis as
love interest — open

matilda de angelis asval! — VALENTINA SOFIA WALSH-MORETTIlove interest — open

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