The majority of the windows were boarded up and the ones that weren't were cracked. Graffiti littered the brick walls and the building looked like nobody used it in years. Mahito must use it to torture people who owe him money. And now, he was likely torturing Y/n. Gojo shivered at the thought. He tiptoed around the perimeter of the building before finding a door leading inside that was slightly ajar. 

Here we fucking go. 

He steps into the building, glass crunching beneath his feet. Gojo hears the muffled sound of screaming coming from somewhere in the building. He decided to follow that sound. His instinct was telling him it was you. There was drug paraphernalia scattered throughout the room, needles, bongs, crack spoons, you name it. It was all there. 

The building seemed quiet, aside from the faint screaming. It was likely the only people here were you and your captors. 

He found a doorway leading to a set of stairs that went down. This must be the basement

Gojo tiptoed down the stairs and saw you with your hands cuffed above your head. The cuffs built into the wall behind you. Your face was bloody and bruises covered every visible part of your skin. Your outfit from the previous night was on the floor and you were naked on a dirty mattress screaming as Kenjaku pressed into your wounds. 

Gojo didn't mean to stare at your naked body, but as his eyes fell downward he saw what appeared to be slash marks on your torso, arms, and legs. They must have been cutting you with a knife. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a bloody switchblade in Mahito's hand. Both men were smiling sadistically at you like they were proud of themselves. 

Gojo felt rage fill his body as he finally processed the scene in front of him. He couldn't risk shooting you since they stood so close, so he had to think quickly of what to do. 

Your eyes meet Gojo's for a moment and you try not to react. Unfortunately, Kenjaku turns his head to follow your gaze and sees Satoru glaring daggers at both he and Mahito.

"Satoru" Kenjaku says. "A pleasant surprise."

"You twisted little shit" Satoru breathes through clenched teeth. "You let her go."

"But she belongs to me" Kenjaku says, his tone light and upbeat. "Now, that my annoying brother is out of the way, nothing will tear us apart."

"I think you're forgetting whose holding the gun right now" Satoru returns.

Satoru tries to make small movements towards the men as they talk. He tries to line himself up so he is at an angle where he won't hit you by mistake.

"I'm not even going to ask why you killed the Okkotsu's. I already know you're a money hungry pig" Satoru continues. 

"Smart man" Mahito laughs. 

Kenjaku's face stiffens slightly at his words. "Bold words for someone who has no one left." 

Kenjaku killed Gojo's cousin and best friend. What he didn't know was how much you meant to him too. He couldn't let him find out. 

"Why come all this way just for her? I never pegged you the type to put that much effort into a girl."

"I'm not here for her, I'm here for Geto. I made him a promise. And, I keep my promises."

"Is that so?" Kenjaku says tauntingly. 

"You won't shoot me" Mahito says. "Not if you're gonna hit her." 

Mahito tests his boundaries and moves closer to Y/n cleaning the switchblade of blood with his fingers. "Let's see what else I can do."

Gojo bites down on his lip and pulls the trigger. You flinch and the chains attached to the cuffs jangle as you move. 

The bullet strikes Mahito perfectly in the ankle, passing through in the mattress below. It was a risky shot, but Gojo's family had him training with a professional marksman for years. His aim was unmatched. He was upset he couldn't let out a fatal shot just yet, but still felt a huge sense of satisfaction watching the grey hair man wail in pain. 

Kenjaku's face fully drops from the carefree smile he dawned moments before. 

"You're nothing like I remember you" he says. 

"Good" Gojo replies, aiming his gun at Kenjaku's liver and pulling the trigger for a second time. The bullet doesn't pass through this time and instead lodges itself in Kenjaku's torso. Kenjaku is brought to his knees and Gojo uses the opportunity to run over to you. 

"The key" he mutters to himself. "Where is the key?"

You weakly point over to Mahito. Gojo sees him start to move in an attempt to guard the key in his pants pocket, but he shoots Mahito's hand instead. Mahito's hand drops instantly and Gojo grabs the key and scrambles to undo your cuffs.

Your wrists were raw from the friction of the rusty metal cuffs. Gojo hurriedly undoes the buttons of his shirt and drapes it around you to protect your modesty. He then lifts you bridal style and carries you out of the building. He easily holds you with one hand and dials 911 with the other. He feels you start to sob into his naked chest as you grip him harder. You were all he had left, and he wouldn't dare to let you go.

double update yay :) 

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