1.00 Bubblegum Bitch

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"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it." - Peter Pan

1.00 Bubblegum Bitch

Wren missed waking up, quietly at noon but of course, summer doesn't last forever. She groaned and threw a pillow on top of her head once she heard her mom's voice scream for her.

"Get up!" Her mom yelled once again.

Wren sighed and took the pillow off her face. She walked up to her mirror. Her long, dark brown hair was messed up and standing on her head. Wren brushed her hair and threw on her clothes which include jean shorts and a black tank top.

"WREN!" Her mom tried to make her come down.

Wren replied back with an annoyed, loud scream, "I AM COMING!"

She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and then put on her converse shoes. Wren ran down the stairs and reached her kitchen where her mom was busy on her phone, texting someone.

"Speed it up! You are going to be late for school!" Her mom looked up from her phone as Wren grabbed an apple.

Wren took a bite from her apple as she followed her mom out to the car.

She took shoutgun of the car. Her mom got in the driver's seat and started to move the car.

"You excited for your first day of school?" Her mom tried to start up a conversation.

Wren rolled her eyes, "Mom. It's school. No one is excited for it."

She laughed at her daughter's sarcasm, "What about seeing Liam and Mason?"

Wren thought about it. She had texted her best friends during the summer but they didn't really hang out. Her mom was right, seeing Liam and Mason was going to be great.

"Yeah, seeing them is going to be cool," Wren shrugged.

Her mom smiled, "Come on lighten up."

"Mom I just want to get out of here," Wren groaned, "I just want an adventure."

"I'm sorry honey," her mom stopped the car and placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "But this is your adventure. It may not be fighting off a villain with no nose but high school is a journey to adulthood."

Wren breathed quietly and faced outside her window at school. The students flooded into the school.

She sighed and turned to her mom, "Well here I go."

Wren got out of the car and started to walk towards the school.

"Have a great day at school!" Her mom shouted to the universe and waved.

Wren moaned before she turned around and waved back at her mom. Her mom smiled as she drove away. Wren started to walk towards the school and entered into it. She took a deep breath. Wren's eyes darted to two boys reading a book, coming around the corner she was standing at.

"I was attacked by an armored platted giant wearing a bear suit," one of the boy's voice spoke to the other, "It kind of left an impression Look! Haven't you seen anything like this?!"

"Wow still on that Mason," Wren laughed and crossed her arms.

The boys looked at her and smiled.

"Hey Wren," the blonde boy greeted her.

She smiled back, "Hi guys, nice to see you guys."

"Well yes I'm still on that," Mason laughed, holding the book, "And are you still on the wolf boy?"

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