Eleven. Across The Hall

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Part 2 of double update


"Has anyone ever told you to be patient?" Alexia looked frustrated as the door swung open, eyes meeting with the blue orbs watching her from the hall.

"They have," but the smile that plastered across Veronica's lips were ones that held mischief. The brunette pushing off of the wall, and towards the captain who met her in the middle of the hall, "But I didn't take the advice."

Although the roll of Alexia's eyes were evident enough of her frustration, there was now a slight humour in their bickering—one that the team themselves has noticed (and teased Veronica mercilessly for).

Then her eyes flickered downwards, "You're not enjoying the party?" When confusion settled across Veronica's expression, Alexia softly gestured to the cup of water in her hands.

"I... I don't drink." The lame excuse made the brunette cringe, averting her gaze from Alexia's—expecting the captain to laugh in her face.

With expectations, Veronica readied herself for the countless questions that Alexia would ask, but relief fluttered through her body when the captain nodded with an understanding look, although her curiosity grew.

"I saw you talking to Aita," Alexia gritted her teeth, seemingly annoyed. The reason why? Veronica couldn't begin to comprehend, stepping backwards until she hit the wall. Noticing as the captain slowly approached, keeping distance between them, "You were having a good time with her."

The comment made Veronica feel as though she had committed a crime, this was amplified by the judging expression on Alexia's face. Although it wasn't judging, there was another emotion beneath the surface level.

But the confusion of the brunette grew as she screwed her brows together, "I didn't see you. You were watching me?"

Now it was Alexia's time to blush. Only for a moment. As if a switch had flipped, her expression grew serious and frustrating, "You would have if you weren't talking so much." Her eyes grew darker. Looking up into Veronica's indifferent gaze, hating how she had to look upwards when speaking to the woman.

But, Veronica would be lying if she felt the same. It was almost a power handed to her to be taller than Alexia, to be able to look down and smirk at the captain's frustration.

But the smugness didn't last long when she caught wind of Alexia's expression, staring into her deep eyes that darkened under the weight of the silence.

Alexia stepped forward, as Veronica did the opposite and attempted to go back. Slapping herself internally when the wall kept her in place. It was then that she decided she would move, or run—that she would stand taller in the presence of her, "Are you annoyed that I was talking to Aitana," noticing how the captain stepped forward until their hands brushed against eachother shyly, "or that I wasn't giving you my attention?"

Their shallow breaths filled the silence.

Veronica took her time in drinking in the sight of the Putellas woman, appreciating how the strobe lights coming from the top of the hallway occasionally shone against her forest green eyes, accentuating the blue specks hidden beneath them. Or how her ruffled hair somehow made Alexia looked twice as breathtaking. Or how her lips were plump and soft.

Her heart thumped inside of her chest, when reaching Alexia's eyes that she noticed they were stuck on Veronica's lips.

"I have your attention now, don't I?" Alexia's deep and cracking voice almost drove Veronica crazy, nearly sending her to her knees under the tone. Feeling as the captain's strong hands weaved their way into her brown locks, twisting the strands around her fingers.

But before Veronica could choke out a reply, completely under submission to the woman before her.

Alexia kissed her.

Not in the mean or harsh way. But a kiss that was gentle and sweet. The kind that left Veronica wanting more.

Their lips strayed away slowly, staying within an inch of each other so that their breaths were mixed and laboured. Veronica built up the nerve to open her eyes, to even catch a glimpse of the beauty before her. Her entire body shuddered when Alexia's stare was already fixated upon her.

In that moment, Veronica felt so small yet so nurtured. They both stared in apprehension. As Alexia's eyes fell back to the brunette's lips, there was only one thing left to do.

So, Veronica kissed her.

The kiss was fuelled with passion and aggression. Veronica blaming it on the past few months spent with Alexia, having to live with the woman who was basically the devil reincarnated. Who knew she was such a good kisser? She thought, and decided it wasn't fair for a person like Alexia Putellas to be as insatiable as she was in that moment.

Veronica's hurried kisses trailed down so that they slid across the captain's tanned skin, biting down on the point of her neck, eliciting a throaty noise past Alexia's red lips. The brunette wondered if her lips were printed with the red lipstick. She decided that she wasn't against the idea.

"Veronica." The captain sternly stated, but the call of her name didn't stop the brunette who continued kissing across her tanned skin. Taking extra care to the parts where she knew Alexia loved it the most, "Not here, Vero."

"Right." Despite the voices screaming at her to not pull away, Veronica regained her breathing as she stepped away from the woman. Eyes lingering across her neck that already had marks showing. A small smirk appeared once knowing that was her doing.

They didn't speak, only staring at one another. But either woman knew that look. It was want. Need, even.

"Then where?" Veronica questioned with a hurried tone that caused Alexia to chuckle at the brunette's rashness—or, the opposite, desperation, "Here?"

"Mapi would kill me. Not you." The captain rolled her eyes, leaning forward so that her hands pressed on the woman's shoulders. Their faces were now closer, both with lazy smiles hanging off of their lips.

They both knew it was a bad situation. A mistake, even. In that moment, Veronica didn't care. For the past two years, she had been looking for someone to fall back onto. So, in that moment, she saw Alexia as her shoulder to lean on.

But she knew. Veronica knew it was wrong.

"Then let's go home. We'll tell them you drank too much."

So they left the apartment immediately after coming up with a plan. Kisses were shared in the elevator, down into Alexia's car as she sped down the streets of Barcelona and arrived outside of their home.

It was then that the pair found themselves wrapped in the sheets, bodies sticking to each other under the heat of shared passion. Lips pressed against eachother. Legs tangled until they ached. They hadn't realised that so much time had passed, until the blazing sun arose and it was the morning.

"Veronica?" Alexia's tired voice peeped out from on top of the brunette's naked body, lifting her head from the woman's chest to see that she was already staring.

"What is it, Ale?" Veronica sat up with the captain still on top of her, reaching her hand forward to brush the stray strands out of Alexia's sweaty face.

"I don't drink either."

When Alexia had passed out into her sleep, too tired to think of opening her eyes for another few hours. Veronica sat and stared out of the window from the bed, when the realisation dawned upon her.

They were both sober.

Suddenly the want she felt for Alexia had died, and in came the regret that overfilled that beautiful feeling.

Double update done... What do we think ??

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