Nine. Heart to Heart

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What had seemed like years had really been two days since the press conference, Veronica had returned back to normal—showing up to training on time, visiting Daní once a week for a catch-up. And just like usual, Veronica was trying her hardest in avoiding the woman who took up her mind of every hour of every day.

But her attempts in avoidance didn't last long, "Vero, team up with Ale." Jonatan said sternly, not expecting anyone to question him.

Rolling her eyes subtly, the brunette approached her captain who looked anything but pleased to be working alongside the Castellano.

"Don't mess up," Alexia muttered, feeling disgruntled when the pair had to lock their arms together.

Their task was to successfully keep the ball from the attacker's advances—Alexia being the person to maintain possession while Veronica had to try get it off of her. The mission would have been simple, if it weren't for Jonatan's orders to lock arms.

"I should be saying that to you, Putellas." The Spaniard bit back, turning her head away from Alexia's—trying her hardest not to think about how every so-often their fingers would brush against each other's then flinch away, with the slightest touch Veronica felt herself burning up.

As the session began, Alexia and Veronica found themselves in a fierce battle for possession of the ball. Both athletes were determined, each knowing that this exercise would test their agility, strength, and mental resilience.

Veronica, with her quick footwork and tenacious spirit, was relentless in her pursuit of the ball. She darted around Alexia, attempting to anticipate her movements and seize the opportunity to gain control. "Come on, Alexia, show me what you've got!" she taunted, her voice laced with competitive edge.

Alexia, the seasoned captain of the Barcelona team, remained composed despite Veronica's relentless pressure. With a steely gaze, she focused on maintaining her balance and control of the ball. "You'll have to do better than that, Veronica," she replied coolly, her words meant to provoke a reaction.

As the intensity of the duel escalated, Alexia seized an opportune moment to strike. With a swift movement, she maneuvered the ball away from Veronica's reach. But instead of celebrating her victory, Alexia chose to deliver a cutting remark, recalling Veronica's missed opportunity during the 2018 semi-final match between PSG and Lyon.

"Hope you try this time, everyone knows what happened when you took the penalty."

Alexia's comment couldn't be taken any other way; in the Castellano's whole footballing career, she had never missed a penalty. Except for one. The nightmare that haunted her late at night.

She often wondered how it could have went different, and what could have been. If she had scored the winner for PSG, would that mean Didier would have never done that to her? Veronica wished she had the answers, instead scars and memories were left in its ruin.

Veronica's expression darkened with anger as memories of that fateful game flooded her mind. The wound was still fresh, and Alexia's words reopened it with precision. Fuelled by frustration and wounded pride, Veronica pushed her captain with excessive force, causing Alexia to lose her balance and crash to the ground.

As Alexia lay sprawled on the floor, her coach's attention was immediately drawn to the commotion. Concern etched his features as he hurried over to assess the situation. "Are you alright, Alexia?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Despite the pain coursing through her body, Alexia managed to nod weakly. "I'll be fine, coach," she replied, her voice strained but determined. "Just a minor setback."

Lines We Cross - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now