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Gyuvin was facing a dilemma.

It's the first day of break, and he needs to buy presents for his lovely friends who have managed to keep him on the cusp of sanity for the past few months. However, he has no car to drive him to the nearest mall which, for reference, is 25 minutes away. And that's just by car.

So! What better choice does he have than to ask Ricky if he has a car? Many little birdies—those of which were named Zhang Hao and Park Gunwook—had told him that Ricky wasn't any ordinary student. Despite getting in on scholarship, he was crazy rich. So rich that he had a whole Porsche!

Now, Gyuvin didn't particularly wish to pull up to the nearest mall in a whole Porsche, but if that was the only option he had, so be it! All he had to do was successfully drag Ricky alongside him.

"Ricky?" Gyuvin peaked around Ricky's door, only his eyes visible as he was unsure of Ricky's policy of walking into his room unannounced. Ricky looked up from his phone, thin yet fashionable glasses perched on his nose. He must've been reading.

Seeing that it was none other than his friend, the Bambi, Ricky hummed and looked back at his phone, clearly immersed in whatever brainwashing content was playing on repeat. Gyuvin sighed and let go of the door, walking into the room just a teeny bit.

"Can you drive me to the mall?" Gyuvin asked, standing in the doorway like he was about to say 'Mum.. I threw up...'. Ricky shut his phone off and let it fall onto his stomach, giving Gyuvin his full attention, only to ask...

"Why me?" As if the answer weren't obvious!

"I don't have a car!" Gyuvin stated the obvious, putting on his best 'Pleassseeee?' face. Ricky sighed and ruffled his blonde hair, preparing for an hour or more of distress.

"I'll go with you," he said suddenly, surprisingly Gyuvin who thought the older would be eager to leave as soon as he reached the mall. "I guess I need to get some stuff too."

"Okay!" Gyuvin smiled gleefully, turning on his heel to get ready.


"What are you buying?" Ricky asked as they walked around the mall, unsure of where to start since Gyuvin didn't exactly walk in with a plan. Seeing the other shrug, Ricky stared at the wide variety of stores and shrugged too.

"I just want to buy gifts for everyone. The problem is, I barely know anything about them. I just know that Gunwook likes Angry Birds, Matthew-hyung likes hot guys, Jiwoong-hyung likes photography, ramen, and bread, Hao-hyung likes anything school-related, and Hanbin-hyung likes Hao-hyung!" Gyuvin shook his head, brain hurting after listing everything he knew about everyone.

Ricky couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the younger's last revelation. It was true—Hanbin loved Hao, but he was too much of a wuss to admit it. Ricky was sure a confession would happen sooner or later—they'd been acting suspiciously lately.

"In any case, we should start with some department store. Or a clothing store—they always label themselves as clothing stores, but you could probably find someone selling a fish inside." Ricky pointed to some department stores in the selection of many, looking at Gyuvin to see what he thought of the idea. Seeing a nod of approval, they began moving toward the nearest one.

"I hope this is affordable... My budget is like, ₩150,000 at best." Gyuvin poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, growing nervous of the overly fancy items he could already see just from walking a few feet closer to the store.

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