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... Bang, bang!

What the fuck? Ricky almost swore aloud as his eyes opened against his own will. He was planning on sleeping in a bit later today considering he'd be skipping his first-period class, but someone else seemed to have other plans...

Just to check if Ricky would have to pull a Bullet Point™ on Gyuvin (again...), he slowly rose from where he lay on his bed, albeit groggily, and rubbed his eyes. This was not was he wanted to wake up to, let alone wake up at all at—Holy shit, 6:35 A.M.?

"There is no..." Ricky almost completed his self-exclamation before he was interrupted by yet another bang! "...way..." he trailed off, sighing after 10 seconds had passed without the dreaded noise. Unless Gyuvin was fixing the broken cabinets or building an extension to the dorm in which Ricky wouldn't hear his push-to-talk plushies singing from a mile away, Ricky wasn't having it.

If he wanted to sleep through the next 3 hours without attempting to choke either himself or Gyuvin, he'd have to confront The Bambi for the second—third? Maybe the fourth time in his life! What a difficult life he had.

Standing up from his more-comfy-than-he'd-realized bed, Ricky slowly approached the door which he had locked shut. He didn't need a certain someone crawling into his personal space more than he already had.

He carefully unlocked the door, peeking through a small crack before anything. Concluding that he couldn't see anything from there, he opened the door slightly wider. Needless to say... he was...

...pleasantly surprised...?

"Ugh, why won't you just go in the damn hoop!" Gyuvin hissed, staring at the half-sized basketball in his grip. He seemed to have installed some sort of kids' basketball play set, mounting it onto his door to act as a stand for the hoop. Out of all things, Ricky was just grateful that he hadn't mounted the thing onto his door instead.

"That's kind of cute," Ricky mumbled, not processing what he'd said before he went back into his room to search for his phone. Cute things need to be treasured and remembered forever, right? Well, the same goes for funny things too. Come on, it was kinda funny seeing Gyuvin getting mad at a plastic, dollar-store-bought basketball that wasn't going into the obviously rigged hoop.

After locating his phone, Ricky carefully widened his door just enough to shove his hand outside and grab a video of The Bambi struggling to work alongside the horrible quality hoop. He almost elicited a genuine chuckle at the sight, but he didn't want to ruin his chances at great blackmail material so soon.

Pulling his phone back after acquiring top-tier blackmail material, Ricky took a second actually to assess what Gyuvin was doing. He was up at 6:40 A.M., playing basketball with a cheap, rigged hoop, and was getting mad at himself for flunking every shot he made. Well, tried to make.

For what?

The question did occur. Ricky could only assume that Gyuvin wanted to get in some practice, but why so early? Why so... desperately...? He could have stayed after school and asked Hanbin for the keys to the gym. Ricky would say that The Bambi was too unfamiliar with the dude, but he had the Student Council President for a best friend! Surely he could pull some stri—

"Ugh! How the hell am I supposed to make Ricky not hate me when I'm so bad at this stupid game?" Gyuvin rage-quitted in real life, something that Ricky didn't think was possible outside of Valorant or League. It pained him to see the other being so stressed over him yet again, but it also provided him some sort of comfort.

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