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Matthew looked down at the flier in his hands with a small frown on his face, the disappointment he felt was as clear as day. The Canadian boy was trying to convince his soccer player friend to accompany him to the bimonthly Basketball game that would be happening later on that day.

"Taerae, you're sure that you don't want to go?" he reiterated the aforementioned soccer player's answer the way he'd perceived it, slightly offended that his friend didn't want to join him. It seemed as though he were the only boy in the entire school who didn't play a sport anyway!

"Matthew-hyung, it's not that I don't want to go, 'cause I do! I just can't..." Taerae tried once more to get his intentions through to his friend who appeared as though he didn't want to hear any of it. "My mom would kill me if I left my sister home alone while she was at work. I'm really sorry." he frowned after explaining his reason for bail, a genuinely pitiful look on his countenance.

Matthew sighed as a non-verbal response to the younger male's apology before thinking of what else he could do. He didn't want to go alone, but he didn't want to make Jiwoong sad by not supporting him. Who else would be up for a Basketball game?

"Ah! It's fine, Taerae! I know just who would love to go!" As if he weren't disappointed in the first place, Matthew smiled brightly, holding a finger up as though he'd made a revolutionary scientific discovery for the first time in a century. One may have heard him whisper 'Eureka!' if they put their ear in.

"Really? Who?" Taerae was taken aback by the sudden resolution. As much as he loved his friend, he didn't really care for the answer–he was more intrigued by the fact that he'd managed to escape Sad-Seok for the first (and last) time in forever.

"Gyuvin! He's probably too stupid to understand the first thing about how Basketball works, but I'm sure he'll learn a thing or two!" Matthew looked way too excited for a self-proclaimed NBA wife. At least that's what Taerae thought.

"Okay! You go do that..." Taerae didn't want to imagine what Gyuvin would look like after being slapped in the face by a Wikipedia-esque explanation of Basketball and its rules, so he waved and took his leave as soon as the thought began rendering in his head.

"I will! Bye!" Matthew waved at the frame of his friend (which became smaller and smaller as he walked down the mildly crowded hallway) and took in a deep breath of determination and watered-down confidence. This can't be too hard...

He'd barely begun walking to his locker when he'd gotten caught up with the fruitless interaction between him and Taerae, so it took a bit longer than he'd anticipated to reach his locker. Sometimes, he really regretted choosing one of the longest hallways to grab a locker in.

"At least the passing period is longer since it's Varsity game day..." he whispered to himself, basking in the light of game-day benefits.

He wasn't able to bask in that light for long, though, because he was very quickly distracted by Gyuvin practically banging on what seemed to be his locker. He almost dropped the flier at the sight, but luckily managed to keep his jaw from going slack amid the chaos.

"Gyuvin, what the hell are you doing?" he exclaimed in English, the shock reaching his brain before his sense of surroundings could. He pulled the human Bambi off of the rack of lockers and held him by his shoulders, expecting a less-than-rational response from him.

"Hey, you can't blame me!" Gyuvin whined, pointing at the locker he'd been attacking as if it had attacked him instead. "I tried putting in my combination almost 10 times and it still won't open! If anyone knows my combo better than me, it's still me!" complained the loud boy, his frustrated gaze still glaring at the locker's combination lock.

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