The Fuck is a Horcrux???

441 14 26

Dear Cedric,

I'm so confused


"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!"

"Bye Mr and Mrs Granger! Thank you!"

Hermione and I chorus as we throw Floo powder into the fireplace.

"Hogwarts!" she says, and enters. I repeat the same thing and follow behind.

I'd received presents — and given presents — to all the Grangers (obviously), Ginny, the twins, my mother and Tonks.

Don't think I hadn't taken notice of the absence of my father's writing on the letter from home... but I truly think that this was a concern for another day... I hadn't the slightest idea on who to confide in, considering I had described the boy I'd met on Christmas Eve and Hermione, who's lived here her entire life, hadn't the any clue as to who I was talking about (And yes, she, rightfully so, called me an idiot for not getting his name).

This was far beyond strange however, because this is a small town. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows everyone's business.

But I severely digress. I, too, had received and given Harry's presents.

He had sent me 2 via Hedwig. The first being a small vile filled with a shimmery, white liquid; the meniscus of it looking to be jumping around. Attached to that was a small note reading:

Tell Honey I say Merry Christmas:)

I hadn't been able to hold back my smile. The fucker finally found it; and it was undoubtedly the work of Slughorn.

The cure for my cat's pinkness!

Admittedly, I'd grown quite accustom to it. I might even go as far as to say a liking for it. A recurring thought also being, 'Cedric would love this.'

Because, Cedric would love this.

And why would I want to change something Cedric would love?

I ultimately decided to not rock the boat and let bygones be bygones — Her hue wasn't affecting anybody, and the stares in public were quite entertaining, so what's a few more months? Or longer, perhaps...

Additionally, he'd also sent through a navy box. Clearly that of a jewellery one, the size indicating for it to be a ring.

My heart had jumped as I opened it and saw a dainty, another recurring theme here, silver ring with a love knot on it. I swear I won't have space for any other jewellery if I keep gaining sentimental ones.

My heart still leaping with joy, I slid it onto my ring finger on my right hand, it going just fine with the 'lightning and spade' bracelet Harry had gotten for me not so long ago, and of course my Cedric necklace.

Almost entirely forgetting that there'd been a note, I unroll it.

'Merry Christmas! I have the other one!
All my love and more,

New years had been fun... Watched the fireworks... Stayed up... Hermione's parents let us drink champagne with them... And it was actually only then when I realised how long I'd been alcohol free for...

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