A Book About Dragons

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Hello! I have a final paper due Friday, so this was a fun break from working on that. As always, I know this isn't very polished, and I hope you can look past that. The goal here is just to have fun and do some writing unrelated to the law.

I'm not going to spoil anything here, but my friend and I thought this scenario would be really funny. Someone has been publishing their own book about dragons, and Hiccup and Astrid need to find out who the mysterious author is. This takes place after the dragons leave and Hiccup and Astrid marry and have kids, but probably before their visit to see Toothless and Stormfly. I hope you enjoy!


It was a quiet day on New Berk. Small snowdrifts had formed against the sides of house, waves lapped against the docks, and Vikings yelled and argued just a little more quietly than normal. There were no attacks, no former outcasts seeking vengeance, no deranged teenagers threating to attack with an armada, no traitorous traders, and certainly no conniving businessmen who cared more about Capitalism than the well-being of dragons. 

"It's just such a nice day," Hiccup said, letting out a sigh of comfort as he sank into his chair at the end of the day. "A peaceful day on New Berk. Imagine that! If someone had told me we Berkians could ever have a quiet day, why, I would have tied them to a mast and shipped them off!"

"Anything's possible when Snotlout's away," replied Astrid, settling into one of Stoick's old chairs besides him. The two of them laughed. Being the leaders of Berk could be challenging, but it was always nice knowing that they could return to each other at the end of every day. There would be occasions for commiserating, occasions for working through ways to resolve whatever issues the tribe may be facing, and, every once in a while, occasions to sit back and relax. 

The door opened, letting in a cold gust of air. Two small kids, Zephyr and Nuffink, ran inside. 

"Mom! Dad!" Zephyr yelled, running to Hiccup and sitting on his lap. She had a book with her, and was rapidly flipping through its pages. "Did you know that there was a dragon that could shock people with lightning?"

"Zap!" said Nuffink. He threw his arm into the air for emphasis.

Hiccup smiled at his children. "I do know about that dragon. You'll have to ask Uncle Dagur about it the next time he visits."

"Uncle Dagur is visiting?" asked Nuffink, barely able to keep his feet on the ground he was so excited.

"Well, no, not any time soon, I just meant that-"

"I read that the Skrill is the most intelligent dragon," Zephyr interrupted.

Astrid glanced at Hiccup. "You wrote that?"

Shaking his head, Hiccup said, "Of course not. It's intelligent, sure, but we all know Toothless-"

"-And Stormfly."

"And Stormfly, are the smartest dragons." Hiccup looked at Zephyr. "Are you sure that's what the book says?"

Zephyr nodded. "Absolutely. It says in A Book About Dragons that the Skrill is the most intelligent dragon."

Without thinking, Hiccup corrected her. "You mean The Book of Dragons." 

"No, it's A Book About Dragons. It says so right here," and she held up the book for her parents to read the title. Indeed, it wasn't The Book of Dragons. It even had a stylized drawing of a Skrill on the front cover. 

Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other. "A Book About Dragons?" Hiccup asked. "What other Viking would write a book about dragons?"

"What other Viking would write?" wondered Astrid. 

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