chapter four

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the four of us finally make our way into the restaurant, my nerves are starting to rise. i know it will probably go better than i think, but still.

we get a table, and i take a seat next to mila with harry across. silence takes over as we look through the menus for what to order.

we get to order shortly after, and i start to wonder when we will break the news.

i secretly give harry a light kick under the table without mila and alex noticing, and he glances up at me.
i mouth a silent 'when?', but he doesn't understand what i mean and raise an eyebrow. i give a light nod towards the side where they are sitting, and he understands immediately.
"uhm, can we talk to you guys?", harry asks and i swallow in nervousness.
"sure", mila responds. "what's up?".

i look at harry and he gives me a nod to begin explaining.
"well, you guys might think this may sound weird, because as you remember at the airport i acted like i hadn't met harry before".
mila gives me a confused look.
"what do you mean 'act'?", alex asks.
my mouth moves into a straight line before i continue to speak.
"well, by 'act' i mean.. it was an.. act?", i almost question myself, hearing how questionable this sounds. "i actually had met harry before", i explain further.
"very many times, as well", harry adds on.

we receive yet another confused look.
"well, that's cool. why didn't you just say that?", alex asks with a light chuckle on top.
"because i was scared", i reply.
"why?", mila asks.
i take a deep breath before continuing.
"well, here comes the second and important part of what we wanted to tell you". i say and look over at harry who is nodding. i give him a look to continue for me.
"so the thing is, uhm. me and madison are actually a thing", he says hesitantly.
"a thing?".
"yes, like dating. we have been dating for 2 months now but it has been secret from the public for obvious reasons, so we chose not to tell anyone at all". he adds as silence fills the room. his words echoes in my head as i search for reactions on alex and mila's faces.

some seconds pass by before they respond to our announcement.
"well i completely understand that, congratulations!", alex says with a suprised look, not being the reaction i expected.
"i am so happy for you!", mila says as they get up to hug us.

i can live with this reaction.

thank you so much for reading !
love you , sososo much

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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