Chapter 6

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Me and Newt were working. We hadn't spoken since yesterday when I told him I might know Nick and how he might be alive.

"Hey" I said he looked up from whatever we were doing. "How you holding up?"

"Well if you mean as of last night.... I don't know I guess I'm okay. For the first time since he died I...... I feel okay. Not great but okay" he said I grinned

"That's great Newt!!!" I said

He shrugged and smiled

"Yeah I think.... I think I..... Might be moving on..." he said he looked up

"Well if Nick is alive then will you still go to him?" I asked he shrugged

"Probably. There will always be a place in my heart for him" he said I giggled

"That's so deep" I said he chuckled

"Guys" Minho said as he ran up I looked at him

"What up Min?" I said he glared at me as Newt snorted

"It's Stephen" he said. "He's been stung"


We walked into the infirmary. Stephen was breathing hard and panting. His eyes were roaming around and they stopped at me.

"What happened to him?" Newt asked as we walked up to him

He grabbed my shirt. I yelped.

"You" he seethed. " Your the reason were here!!"

Newt and Gally grabbed me and yanked me back while Minho held Stephen down. I curled into Newt scared and frightened.

"Come on" Gally said as he dragged me and Newt away. "You wanna tell me what the hell he was talking about?"

I shrugged. "Beats me"

"You sure" I sent him a glare

"Positive" I snapped

"Okay, okay" he grumbled


I stared at the maze in front of me. What was it like? To go in there?! Was it terrifying? Someone tapped my shoulder I jumped and saw Minho.

"Oh" I breathed he laughed

"How's it going?" He asked I shrugged.

"Well I just got attacked by a crazy guy. Then interrogated by my brother. So other then that it's been an okay day!" I snorted

He chuckled

"What's it like?" I asked. "To go in there?"

He shuddered.

"At first I was scared of getting hurt. But then after 2 years of looking you kind of get used to it!" He sighed

I smiled

"Can I be a runner?" I asked. He choked on the air

"Yeah. Please!!!" He laughed I punched his arm. "Ow!"

"I'm serious!" I snapped

"That hurt!" He whined.

"I don't care!" I growled standing up. "Why can't I been one?"

"You could try!" He shrugged. "But the tryouts are so intense. Not many people make it!"

"Bring it on"


Next morning I was standing in front of Minho. He smiled and looked at the papers in his hands.

"First. You have to run 20 laps around the perimeter. Then you have to do 50 jumping jacks. 50 push ups. 50 pull ups and 50 crunches." He explained

I stared at him he smirked

"What? To much. It's not too late to back out" he said I glared

"Bring it star child!"


I panted as I finished my twenty laps.

"15 minutes" Minho said surprised. "Almost as fast as me"

I huffed as he threw me water and I drank it in seconds.

"Alright 50 jumping jacks and push ups" he said

I started the jumping jacks and jumped down for the push ups. I felt like I was going to collapse.

"Good" he grumbled. He took my hand. I blushed a little and my face was already red from working out.

He dragged me to the forest. We stopped and I looked up. A bar was held between two trees. It was firm metal

"We built this for the runners." He explained. "Pull ups!"

I reached but it was too far up. I huffed and started jumping up to get it. He sighed and grabbed me he lifted me to the bar I blushed again.

I pulled myself up. My arms were screaming at me. I felt tears in my eyes. He saw this.

"Pull ups aren't your thing!" He said. "Well as runner you have to climb high stuff"

I huffed and did another one. He chuckled and placed his hand on my stomach and the other one on my lower back. He started to lift me up. I huffed and he smiled

"C'mon greenie. Nobody's made it this far. Besides me, Alby, Nick and Newt!" He said

"What about the others" I asked red faced

"They were second best. Usually broke down in tears!" He said. "I'm going to let go!"

I watched as his hands released me. I was left dangling. I screamed in my mind and pulled myself up.


"Didn't even cry once!" Minho explained to the runners and to everyone at our table

Some cheered and slapped me on the back. I cried out and face planted in the table groaning. Gally hissed at them

"Sorry" one of them murmured

"Surprised you made it!" Newt whispered as he and Chuck sat on both sides of me. "And you didn't cry! Most boys do!"

I smiled and slowly got up. My muscle started yelling to stop. I got out of the hall and Gally was waiting for me outside he opened his arms. I fell into them and cried


When I woke up. I just wanted to fall asleep again. Gally had to drag me out and throw clothes at me. After getting dressed he picked me up and took me outside. They were deciding my job today.

"Minho doesn't want you to be a runner!" My head jerked and I flinched

"Why?" I asked Gally shrugged

"Ask him!" He laid me outside with Chuck and then went in

It felt like hours before Newt finally came out and carried me in. I groaned as he placed me down. I saw something flash in Minho's eyes.

"We have all gathered today to discuss the job of our newest member" Alby said smiling at me. "We have all decided. That you will be a....."


The Griever Girl (Minho). COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now