All good things must come to an end

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Regina's PoV

"Mom??? Mom??? Can you come help me please?" I shout down the stairs ... this bloody neck brace making curling my hair hard. "Yes honey" my mom shouts back up as I hear her climb the stairs. Looking down at my dress I feel nervous. Nervous to see Brooklyn which is crazy because she's my girlfriend but I'm still nervous as hell. " look beautiful" my mom gushes as she walks in the door and bee lines for me. "You have to say that you're my mom" I smile at her through the mirror as she comes over my shoulder. "It's still the truth. When's Brooklyn picking you up?" She asks taking the curling iron from me. "In about fifteen minutes I think" I breath out watching my mom fully focus on my hair. "She's a lucky girl... you both are" my mom smiles at me through the mirror. "You know ... at my junior prom ... I won prom queen. I had gone to the dance with the most popular boy in school. He asked me in the hallway, just walked up to me and asked me outright. He picked me up, took me to the dance and spent most of the night with his friends. Every girl in school was jealous of me for going with him. We dated for a little while after junior prom but he dumped me and moved on to another girl. I was devastated. This boy transferred to our school a short while after. We hit it off instantly and I knew I really liked him. He asked me to the senior prom with a huge bunch of roses. He took me on a few dates before our prom... then the night of the prom I sat in my room feeling so nervous... nervous to see him...nervous for him to see me. He picked me up, we went to the dance and I had the best night of my life. Up until that point of course. I knew something felt different about that boy when I met him ... the same way ... you feel differently about Brooklyn" I'm listening so intently to my mom as a blush crosses my face. "It's written all over your face how you feel about her Regina. The reason I'm telling you this is because it's ok to be nervous ... especially when it's about someone we love" my mom smiles as she places down the curling iron "perfect". "What happened to the boy?" I ask my mom as she fiddles with my hair. "I married him and we had a beautiful daughter called Regina" she smiles as a smile stretches across my face too. Knock knock knock. My eyes shoot to the door as my mom chuckles "mhm honey ... I know the feeling. I'll go and welcome in your Brooklyn ... before your dad does and gives her an interrogation".

Brooklyns PoV

Huffing out a nervous breath I look down at my suit and straighten out any creases. "Brooklyn honey you look amazing" Mrs George answers the door beaming in her usual pink sweatpants. "Thank you Mrs George ... is Regina ready?" I ask feeling my hands get clammy. "She's just finishing up honey ... come in come in" she smiles opening the door. "Brooklyn you look so handsome. Was your mom tearful ... I bet your mom was tearful... I'll get some pictures of you both and you can send them to your mom" I smile listening to Mrs George ramble on as a door opens up stairs. My head instantly turns to the stairs as Regina starts walking down wearing a beautiful blue dress. She smiles at me as she slowly walks down... I'm standing like an idiot with my mouth wide open. "Oh this is beautiful ... where's my camera?" Mrs George hurries around me as she runs into the living room. "Hi" Regina says softly as she reaches the last step. "You look beautiful" I reply dreamily whilst taking her in. She laughs slightly before stepping off that last step and walking towards me "you look very handsome baby". She smiles as she leans in and places her lips to mine. "Found it found it ... oh am I interrupting a moment?" Mrs George grimaces as she runs back to us. "No mom you didn't" Regina smiles turning in my hold towards her mom. "Brooklyn honey place your hands around Regina and smile for me ... ok on two ... wait is that right ???" I laugh watching Mrs George ramble as I wrap my arms around Regina, her scent filling my nostrils. "Ok ... on three ... ok ... one ... two ... three" Mrs George takes multiple pictures of us as we stand and pose for her. "Ok perfect you're both beautiful wow" she cheers looking through her camera roll. Regina places a small kiss to my cheek before walking towards her mom "mom we are going to head out now". Regina's mom gives her a gentle hug before letting go "ok you two have fun. Don't do drugs". I laugh as Regina walks up to me rolling her eyes playfully at her mom "ok mom". Regina takes my hand as we walk to the door "bye Brooklyn have a nice night honey". I turn as Regina pushes open the door "bye Mrs George".

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