A little lie

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Brooklyns PoV

"Are you sure you're alright? I mean ... we can skip and go hang out... you don't have to face her today" Nat worries as we step out of my car. Shrugging my shoulders I sling my backpack over my shoulder "I have to get used to it Nat. And I shouldn't be the one to constantly hide. Regina fucked up here not me". "I know I know but I just don't want you to ..." Nat is cut off by Cady who walks over to us and joins us in the walk to the school doors. "Hi Brooklyn, hi Nat. How are you both?" Cady asks us with Nat smiling over my shoulder. "Hi Africa yeh we are good apart from you know the usual teenage chaos that surrounds our lives... how are you liking north shore?" Thankfully Nat takes the reins on the conversation because I don't really want to talk to anyone today. "Yeh it's ok, it's strange getting used to it though you know? I'm not used to this world" this makes me kinda sad thinking how quickly I kept Cady at arms length. "I get that. Especially when you came from really just having you and your mom... it's just me and my mom too" I slightly smile seeing Cady nod. "Thanks Brooklyn ... anyway ... I better head off to my locker. Are yous practicing today?" She asks as we walk in through the doors joining the crowds of people waiting in the hallway for classes to start. "Yeh are you coming to watch Cady Pie?" Nat asks as we approach my locker. "I enjoyed watching you guys train. So ... yeh if that's ok?" She directs her question to me. I quickly glance at Nat who raises her eyebrows before turning back to Cady "yeh Cady that would be nice. Want to walk to home room?". Cady smiles at me and nods, it's a pretty smile but it's not breathtaking like someone I know. "You kids have fun. See you at lunch Rooky" Nat tussles my hair before walking the other way.

Regina's PoV

I spent all night awake thinking about the mess Iv made. I'm now back in a relationship with a boy I don't actually like. And the girl that I do actually like now hates me and wants nothing to do with me. Is prom queen worth it? The hurt that I'm now feeling about Brooklyn is making me think it isn't. I came home shortly after everything went down with Brooklyn. My mom knew instantly that something was wrong but I couldn't go through it... she wouldn't understand. I don't even understand why I do the things I do. Iv hurt myself and the girl I love ... to save my social status at school... and to win a plastic crown. I stood at my locker watching Cady walk into school with Brooklyn and Nat. My Brooklyn. I hated every second watching them interact but I especially hated seeing Brooklyn smile at Cady.

"Gosh I'm so fat and disgusting... I'm not having anything but kalteen bars until I loose weight" Cady says whilst ripping open a bar. I need to make Brooklyn miss me... I need to look hotter than ever before so I'm irresistible to her. "What are these? I need to loose three pounds ... what's the calories from fat?" I ask Cady hoping these help. "Zero cross multiply x over a thousand ..." "yeh whatever bring me a whole box" I smile with a quick glance at Brooklyns back.

Brooklyns PoV

Sitting in AP Calc I notice Cady trying to get my attention as her test is placed in front of her. Looking down at my 92 I smile and turn to Cady. "What did you get?" I ask seeing her look at me sadly. "62 ... what did you get?" "92" I sympathise but I'm also confused because when we started the school year Cady was top of the class. "Would you maybe tutor me?" Cady asks as I nod and smile at her. "I can tutor you if you want?" Aaron propositions turning around in his seat to face us. "It's ok. Thanks though... Brooklyns going to tutor me" Cady smiles turning back to me whilst biting the tip of her pen.

Cadys PoV

"So when do you want to do this?" I ask Brooklyn as we pack up our stuff after class. "I mean I have practice now but after that I'm free?" She turns to me with those green eyes. "Yeh sounds good. My house? We can go together after your practice?" I ask excited at the thought of spending time with Brooklyn just the two of us. "Yeh sounds good. I'll meet you on the bleachers after practice?" We walk out of the classroom as i smile at her walking away. "What are you doing?" A voice comes up behind me, when i turn I see Gretchen. "What do you mean?" I ask faking innocence. "Why are you with Brooklyn? Did we not go over this?" Gretchen warns looking around for who I assume is Regina. "She's tutoring me in calc. Ms Norbury put us together" I reply looking her in the eye as she calms. "Look Regina's sorry about Aaron he just wanted her back. But that doesn't mean Brooklyns free game" I fake being shocked. "No no I'm not trying anything with Brooklyn ... she is just tutoring me in class. Promise" I cross my fingers placing them round my back as Gretchen sighs in relief. "Phew ... so Regina is waiting for us all outside to go to the mall" Gretchen links her arm with mine attempting to walk towards the school doors. "Em I can't ... I kinda ... have detention right now and then Brooklyns tutoring me after her practice at my house" I stutter as Gretchen turns round raising an eyebrow and walking away.

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