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DAY - 7 : morning 6:30 AM


It was 6:30 AM in the morning, and Sneha had informed everyone the previous night to be ready by 7 AM.

They were heading to Devprayag for a special reason - Varun's upcoming roka ceremony.

In the Sharma family, it was a tradition to visit their kuldevi mandir at Devprayag before any celebrations.

The Sharmas considered the Batras as family, so Sneha planned this sudden trip to pray for good luck for Varun's roka ceremony and his future.

Sneha was already ready and busy packing all the pooja items. Her mind was occupied with thoughts about the incident that happened last night after dinner.


So, the previous night, after dinner, everyone went off to sleep, except for Ishika. She found herself in the garden, engrossed in a phone call with her cousin, Abhimanyu Joshi.

Meanwhile, Sneha and Nandish finished tidying up the dinner setup and washing the dishes before heading to bed. However, Sneha suddenly realized that she had left her phone in the garden.

Both Sneha and Nandish rushed back to the garden, only to be shocked by what they saw.

Ishika stood there, her face devoid of any emotion, while Dhawan Singh Negi knelt before her, apologizing for his behavior from the previous day.

His face was swollen, covered in bruises, making it evident that he had been beaten and threatened to apologize to Ishika.

The Sharmas knew exactly who was behind this - Agasthya Rawat. He couldn't bear the thought of his princess facing any kind of trouble, so he had his men keeping a close watch on Ishika's life all over Rishikesh.

And even the workers at Sharma Niwas were Agasthya Rawat's people, and the Sharmas were well aware of this fact.

Suddenly, one of Ishika's bodyguards along with their security head HARSHITH, came rushing in. They started beating Dhawan again, but Ishika gestured for them to stop and take him away from her sight.They followed her instructions.

And within a few seconds, Ishika fell to her knees, completely breaking down into tears. It was a heart-wrenching sight for her parents as they rushed towards her to console her.

But Ishika's words shattered them even more. Through her sobs, she cried out, "why did adi leave us mumma"
"Why did my AG bhai distance himself from us?"
"I need you, bhai.... please come back."

Her parents knew just how much she was attached to her best friend, Aditya Rawat, and her AG bhai. They also understood the depth of care and protection that Adi and Agasthya provided for her.

On one hand, they were relieved that their daughter was safe under Agasthya's security, knowing that nobody could even think of harming her.

But on the other hand, they were heartbroken to witness their daughter suffering like this.


As Sneha's eyes welled up with a lone tear, memories of her daughter's breakdown flooded her mind. Sensing her pain, Nandish Sharma, her husband, gently wiped away her tear and tried to console her.

Sneha spoke with a heavy heart, "Nandish ji, Isha ko aise nahi dekha jaata"

Nandish, blinking back his own tears, replied, "Mein samajh sakta hu, Sneha ji"

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