The (Y/n) In white turned to the other copy of himself and retorted

(Y/n) White:Well,What Are We Supposed to Say?We Don't Even Know What Made her Like Us In the 1st Place!

Everyone remained staring as they all began to speak,Some with confusion

Izuku:That's.......Just Weird!

Lotte:He's Embarrassed.

(Y/n) Was Silently Praying that This Won't Be Embarrassing.

The (Y/n) In Black Just Sighed And Looked At The (Y/n) In White.

(Y/n) Black:Fine,Fine!Just Calm Down,The Hard Part's Over. As Long as She Doesn't Throw Any Curve balls,I Think We're Good.

Yeah..... Everyone knew one thing after hearing that.

Everyone:Something's SO Gonna Happen.

Junko Decided To Ask A Question That Actually Felt appropriate To Ask.

Junko:So........What Should We Do Now?

The screen Returned To The Yin-yang Duo Of (Y/n)'s Head As they Didn't Expect this.

(Y/n) Black:FUCK!

The (Y/n) in white looked at his other self And said...

(Y/n) White(Confused):What the Hell Is She Talking About?What Comes After Sex?

The (Y/n) in black shushed him and said that he didn't know.

(Y/n) Black:All the Dating Sims Go to Credits At This Point.

Hifumi:You Play It Cool and Say That This Is the Start Of Our New Relationship.

The Cast Of Danganronpa Look At Yamada in Confusion And Surprise that He Knew that.

Makoto:How Did you......?

Mondo:The Hell......?

Hifumi:'Thank you Games'

(Y/n) White:Well,She Asked the Question,So....WE HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING!

The You Wearing Black Interrupted Him and Told Him.

(Y/n) Black:LOOK!Just.....Just Say Anything!

(Y/n) White:ANYTHING?!

(Y/n) Black:ANYTHING!Just.....Say it with Confidence.

(Y/n) White:Hmm,Alright......Here Goes Nothing!

The Screen Returns To Regular And "Normal" (Y/n) as He States This To Junko.

(Y/n):We Should Get Married.



Shalltear:Asking for marriage AFTER Sex?That's just weird

Kiyotaka:You Can't Ask For Marriage AFTER Performing An Inappropriate Deed.

Junko(Cutesy Persona):Hmm,I don't Know but i probably Would Say "Yes".


Sayaka:Out of the Blue?

The Mind Duo Is Seen Once Again As The Black (Y/n) Holds His Head As He Screams.


The whitened Version of (Y/n) look at his other half and Reminded him that he said to say anything

(Y/n) Black:Anything Except THAT,Obviously!


The (Y/n) Wearing Black Just Sighed And Calmed down.

(Y/n) Black:You Know What?It's Fine,Forget It!We'll Just......Play it off As A Joke,No Harm Done.

Yang:Yeah......I doubt that.

Junko Is Seen Again with A Teary Smile As She Gave An Answer.

Junko:Yes!Let's Do it!


Mukuro sighs at her sister and says...


Junko simply Made fun of her sister.


Maki Immediately asked a question,out loud as she said...

Maki:Why Did She Even Accept?

The duo Is Once Again Shown As The Black One Is Yelling at The White One.

(Y/n) Black:YOU FOOL!You've Doomed Us All!

(Y/n) White:Hey,She Seems Pretty Happy About it,Maybe She Knows Something That We Don't.

Lucy:Yeah,He's Right.

Natsu:Probably Not.

The Screen Shifted to Show Another Mind Duo,One In Black And One in White Except Their Both Junko,This Time.

Everyone:Wait What?

Noelle:Is that.........?


Junko White:I..DON'T..KNOW!

Will:The End for that And....Yes,They Got Married And Even Adopted The Reason That Their Trapped.

Junko:Me As A Mom.

She Begins To Laugh Hysterically at the thought as Mukuro speaks her own thought.

Mukuro:Yeah,I Don't see Junko As A Mom.....But (Y/n) As A Dad?I Don't Know because We Don't Know Him Personally!

Hearing that made (Y/n) wonder that,himself....

(Y/n):'Would I Be a Good Dad?That's..........A Good Question,I......Don't Honestly Know'

The Y/N Multiverse(Real world Reader):All At Once!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat