Chapter 6

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Ángel was talking to Nashira about the available  positions at UbiPublicity for someone without any experience or studies in the field. One of them was a cleaning assistant, also known for being the one who prepared and distributed coffee in the offices (among other tasks). Nashira didn't find it very interesting.

"I don't think they'll forgive me if one day I barf on everyone's coffee cups," Nashira had told him, wrinkling her nose as she annihilated Angel's empty coffee cup with her gaze.

"Barf !? Why the hell would you do that?" Ángel asked her, stunned.

"The simple smell of coffee makes me dizzy, brother. And not the good dizzy spell".

In what world was there a good kind of "dizziness"? Only those who love to get drugged - oh no, he had almost forgotten: the crazy woman in front of him was surely a drug addict. It explained a lot of her weirdness and anti-capitalist postures.

"A good dizziness!? Nashira, no offense to you, but are you defending one of those people who take drugs?" Ángel asked her whispering, as if they were planning to commit a crime.

Nashira didn't like at all his tone when saying 'those people', as if he was talking about the worst kind of criminals. He didn't know anything, or why they did drugs. As if people (like her) chose to take them one day just because they were bored. She got offended.

"And why the change in attitude now?" Nashira replied, somewhat annoyed because she already knew that this capitalist, like the crazy old woman, was going to make a scandal about the magic bottle.

"Because the issue of drug use is something very serious. Not only is it harmful to health, but it is penalized by law. You are one of those people, aren't you?".

God, what madness was he about to commit!? He almost helped a drug addict get a job at UbiPublicity, and who knows if one day she came to work drugged and got him in trouble. Maybe not only with his boss, but also with the police or...

"I'm not doing anything illegal" Nashira snapped, quickly guessing Angel's (or more like, devil) thoughts. "I admit it, like once or twice a week I meet with my brothers to smell the magic bottle, which is medical marijuana – and so you know, I don't get it from the dispensers, the black market or anything like that, but from pharmacies. And I'm not addicted either".

"Ha! That's hard to believe. Medical marijuana, really? As if normal medicines don't exist for any treatment, how can I trust you? And even more so if you're one of those...

Ellie was right. He who is born a capitalist, dies a capitalist, and Ángel was no exception. People like him would reject her because of her clothes, they would believe that she was on the streets for spending everything on drugs, and they would call her "crazy" because of her ideals. Because she thought differently.

"And who are "those people" like?" Nashira asked him, in a challenging tone.

"I don't know, carefree? Who believe that everything in life is happiness and ignore what causes them pain just because? Who don't work because they look for the easiest way, which is to go sleep on the street or beg? and then take drugs to forget their bad decisions...?".

Angel stopped talking when he saw Nashira's expression, but it was already too late. How dare he put her down like that, without even knowing her!? It's not that she lived on her streets because she wanted to, but because even her own mother had kicked her out of her house without leaving her a cent of her own. And although two of his friends did are homeless because they were drug addicts, that was not her case, and she was aware that it was wrong.

Ángel was a bad person. And she was done with him.

"You are closed. Too closed. And you should know that I am against drug addiction because it enslaves oneself and only causes suffering" Nashira told him, trying to appear calm "I'm leaving".

The Office Worker and The TrampTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon