Chapter 5

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"Destiny does have a very strange way of working, sister," Ellie told her.

Nashira had arrived at her friend's house and told her everything related to the strange office worker who bought her a tortilla and tended her wounds. Until now they both agreed that Angel was a being full of various conflicting energies, which explained his unusual behavior. Simply put, they believed he was weird.

"Could it be that he secretly likes to smell magic gas too, so he could empathize with you?" Ellie asked him.

"No, Lie. Everything he said was typical of the imperialist tyrant, talking about cars and clothes and those ephemeral things as if it were the entrance to heaven".

"Or could it be that he does it on purpose because he wants to convert you to the gray side?".

The gray side, Buddha forbid, was also known as the lifestyle seen as normal and accepted in formal society; among them being an office worker slaving themselves to buy the best car, working from seven to three every day, getting married, and all that. Nashira shuddered just thinking about it.

"But what horrible things you say! Something in his energy told me that Ángel truly has an altruistic side, even though it's tiny- and he also supported me with going to the mountains" Nashira told her.

"He who is born a capitalist, dies a capitalist. Accept it, my friend".

"Then he wouldn't have helped me, given me food or anything".

"True. He may be just a repressed idealist like Knife, nevertheless, don't let him sink you into the gray side".

Nashira shrugged, dismissing her friend's theory. That would never happen: her spirit was too strong and consumerism-adverse to fall into those evils. That is to say, how could she allow herself to be tempted by something that only provoked repulsion in her?

That night she slept next to Ellie on a mat, this time covering herself with a real blanket. The next morning, she and her friend showered with the hose as usual, got dressed, and separated to each go to work. On her way to work, Nashira was lucky enough to come across a ripe apple tree, she picked a couple of apples, lightly rubbed off any dust over them, and ate them.

"It had been a long time since I had a healthy breakfast," she said to herself, happily.

The blue sky was clear today, the park even more beautiful because of the trees that were ready to be harvested, and the streets loud and alive. Nashira loved seeing that atmosphere, and she smiled especially when passing by a tropical music group playing in front of a mini supermarket.

The tranquil atmosphere was suddenly cut, though.

"Get out of here, vandals!" the security guard of that business had shouted at them.

Nashira wrinkled her face even more when she saw that the guard had thrown a bucket of water at them to scare them away. Hateful capitalist; kicking them away for a miser couple of bucks. It didn't cost him anything to be kinder. Furthermore, this country's streets were free for anyone to use as a livelihood.

"Hey, show them some respect!" Nashira shouted, indignantly.

The guard just looked at her with disgust and instantly ignored her. Nashira huffed at his attitude and then left, rushing to work instead to find her young boss and catch some of her good energy. And there she was. She was sure she had the best boss in the world, and it would be a little sad if she had to quit in case she miraculously decided to work in the same company as Angel.

And speaking of him, he called her two days later while she was walking through the craft fair they had set up in the park. She was looking at one of the little straw hats, not buying anything, since she didn't have the money for it.

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