Authors Note

1.9K 55 3

Hey dear readers !

It's your author here. 

I just want to thanks all my readers for giving my book 2k reads.

I didn't even thought about it .  I like writing and reading story very much.  So I started writing it.

Thank you all so much for giving my book lots of love .

Do vote and comment because it takes many hours to write a single chapter and it will only take 2 second to vote for it .

And about my updating schedule it is 1 update per week as I am also a physiotherapy student .
So,  sometimes it may differ from 1 update prior two weeks . So bear with me.

And the next update will be tomorrow  . So stay tuned and do vote and comment for it.

Whose your favourite character in the story  ?
Your favourite scene  ?

Comment below guys....... 

My Precious Wife Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant