Chapter 11 ~ A Gift

Start from the beginning


“I like to take her out on Sunday morning drives,” he says proudly. “She’s my baby.” 

“I’ve never seen an old muscle car in such pristine condition before.”

“I take good care of what I love. But I didn’t bring you down here to show off my car.”


He reaches into his pocket, and the red Mini Cooper beside us releases a honk, its headlights blinking twice.

“What do you think?” he asks.

“It’s cute.” I peer into the tinted windows and step back. “But I can’t imagine you driving around in a small European car.”

“That’s because it’s not mine,” he says and tosses me the keys. “It’s yours.”

I nearly fumble as I catch them. “Wha-what?”

“Go ahead. Take a look inside.” 

“Enzo…” I shake my head. “I can’t accept this.”

“And I can’t accept you getting mugged again. This is to keep you safe. So you don’t have to take public transportation anymore, and it’ll get you around the city.” 


“Don’t overthink.” He closes the distance between us and folds my fingers over the keys. “Take it. Please.”

“Alright,” I whisper, staring into his eyes as tears sting mine. “Why are you so kind to me?” 

Enzo’s brows crease. “Because you deserve kindness.”

I drop my gaze. “Men usually aren’t kind to me unless they want something, and it’s usually sexual. Once they’re satisfied, they move on. Even my ex-boyfriend, Josh, said he needed more than a sexy girlfriend.” 

“That was a shitty thing for him to say.”

“People don’t see me. They never care to look deeper.”

“What do you mean?”

“Growing up, people always said I was pretty but not smart. A nice girl, but not someone to take seriously, and in high school, guys had a running bet of who could take my virginity first, but I had no idea until after my boyfriend told all of his friends that he popped my cherry.” I stop to wipe my eyes. “He won the bet, and for an entire year, jokes were made about my body. When people look at me, they don’t see me. They only see someone they can use.” 

“Mara, where is this coming from?”

I stop pacing and peer at him through soggy lashes. “I know we made a deal, but are you using me? Will you toss me aside once you’ve gotten what you wanted from me?”

“What do you think I want from you?”

I dart my gaze. “Sex?”

“No. That’s not what this is about.” He steps closer and lifts my chin. “Am I attracted to you? Yes. You’re stunning. From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, but let’s be real. I’m too old for you. So, I expect nothing other than what we agreed to.”


“But nothing. Never, ever think you owe me your body. This car is a gift because I want to protect you. Period.”

I search his eyes, and the pitter-patter of my heart eases. “You’re telling me the truth.”

“Of course I am.”

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