Whirlwind Reflections: Navigating the ADHD Mind

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In the chaos of my mind, where thoughts collide.

Stress brews like a tempest, hard to abide.

Commitments swarm around, a tangled mess.

Lost in the maze, I can't even confess.

Where do I start? I'm lost in the fray.

Fear grips tight, will I find my way?

Afraid to begin, afraid to fail.

In this whirlwind of tasks, I feel frail.

Easily forgotten, my mind's a sieve.

People drift away, it's hard to believe.

Alone in safe spaces, the irony stings.

Surrounded by solitude, my heart sings.

Creativity bursts forth, a torrential flood.

But with it comes pain, like a pounding thud.

My head aches with ideas, a chaotic swirl.

In this sea of imagination, I twirl.

Invisible to most, a ghost in plain sight.

No one truly sees me, in the dim light.

Teachers throw up their hands, parents sigh.

A problem child, they can't deny.

So many starts, but endings elude.

Projects left behind, dreams misconstrued.

Welcome to the realm of ADHD's embrace.

A journey of highs and lows, in this space.

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