A new reality

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ok here is a update even i'm sad i don't know why maybe just a teenage effect

you can skip if you want it is just my feeling


I want to go home

To the home

Where we didn't argue

Where we weren't afraid

To say"I Love You"

When leaving the house

Wasn't for an escape

When breathing the same sir

Felt natural not timid

When tears fell

Over papercuts

And the only bruises

Came from playing outside

I want to go home

To the place my heart knows

The home where i belonged the most



Two days had passed since the veil of normalcy had been lifted, revealing a world I never imagined. Taehyung, the enigmatic figure who had always seemed like richy businessman, was, in fact, a mafia boss. Jimin and Jungkook, his loyal right-hand men, now stood as guardians in the shadows, entrusted with my safety.They never seemed any dangerous man he don't even hesitate to kill other ruthlessly at least not jimin and jungkook , their friendly nature never made me suspicious towards them.Was i really that much dump to not recognise people's real identity?

As I hesitated outside my apartment that night, the weight of this newfound knowledge pressed upon me. Going home alone in the darkness felt like stepping into the unknown, especially now that I was aware of the dangerous connections that surrounded me. Yet, the rational part of my mind knew that navigating these murky waters alone was an even riskier proposition. so, i decided to make distance with them as much i can , i really don't wanna involve in anyone's criminal live where my own life is not less than any tragic movie.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lia's voice shattered the silence, her concern a beacon in the darkness of uncertainty. Lia was more than just a friend; she was my confidante, the only one I could trust with my deepest secrets.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought," I replied, attempting to mask the turmoil within me with a facade of normalcy.

"But you seem a little off since yesterday. Is everything okay? You know you can talk to me, right?" Lia's eyes held a warmth that beckoned me to confide in her, to unburden myself of the secrets that threatened to consume me.

A genuine smile graced my lips as I considered her offer. Lia had always been there for me, a steady presence in a world fraught with uncertainty. Yet, some secrets were too dangerous to share, too perilous to entrust to even the most loyal of friends.

"It's nothing, just a minor headache," I lied, the weight of my deception heavy upon me. How could I burden Lia with the truth, with the knowledge that I had crossed paths with the criminal underbelly of Seoul?

"Ah, work troubles, huh? I can relate. Sorry I can't offer much help there, but I'm always here to listen," Lia replied, her words a comforting balm to my troubled soul. With a shared laugh, we banished the shadows of unease that lingered between us, embracing the facade of normalcy that shielded us from the harsh realities that lurked beyond.

Whispers of fates:A Mafia KTHWhere stories live. Discover now