home nurse?

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Yuna Lee hurried through the bustling corridors of the hospital, her white uniform swishing around her as she made her rounds. It was another busy day in the emergency room, filled with the constant ebb and flow of patients seeking medical attention. Despite the chaos, Yuna remained focused on her duties, her heart set on easing the pain and suffering of those in need.

As she approached the nurse's station, a flurry of activity caught her attention. Doctors and nurses buzzed around a gurney, wheeling in a critically injured patient. Yuna's senses sharpened as she prepared to spring into action, her instincts as a nurse kicking into high gear.

Pushing through the crowd, Yuna caught sight of the patient lying on the gurney, his face obscured by a mask of blood. Recognition sparked in her mind as she realized who it was - Taehyung Kim, a man she had seen before. He had visited the hospital a month ago for minor injuries, but this time, it seemed much more serious.

Yuna couldn't help but wonder why someone like him, seemingly healthy and strong, was always getting injured. She shook off the thought, focusing on the task at hand. However, as she hurried to assist the medical team, her mind drifted to her own life.

Working as a nurse was Yuna's passion. She found solace in helping others, in being there for them in their times of need. Yet, amidst the chaos of the emergency room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for something more. Her days were filled with the routine of hospital life, and while she loved her work, there was a part of her that yearned for excitement and adventure.

The urgency in the room was palpable as the medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize Taehyung's condition. Yuna assisted them, her mind racing with questions about the enigmatic man lying before her.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the room, two familiar faces stood watching with bated breath. Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin . They exchanged worried glances as they observed the scene unfolding before them, their concern for their friend palpable in the tense lines of their expressions.

"Is he going to be alright?" Jungkook's voice was laced with worry as he turned to Jimin, his eyes searching for reassurance.

Jimin's expression was grim as he watched the medical team work frantically to save their friend. "I don't know, Kook. But we have to trust that the doctors will do everything they can."

Yuna overheard their conversation and couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity. She remembered seeing Taehyung before, always with Jungkook and Jimin. However, their visits had never seemed particularly serious.she knows their name because they had introduced themselves before, What had changed?

She opened her mouth to ask, but the words died on her lips as Jungkook and Jimin exchanged a quick glance, offering vague explanations about an accident and injuries sustained during a business venture. Yuna's suspicions were momentarily piqued, but she quickly shook them off, chiding herself for prying into their personal affairs.

As the hours passed, Taehyung's condition stabilized, and the doctors recommended keeping him under observation for the night. Before they left, one of the doctors pulled Jungkook and Jimin aside.

"We'll be discharging Taehyung tomorrow, but he needs to come in for daily check-ups for the next week. It would be best if you could arrange for a nurse to assist him at home."

Jungkook nodded, docter said to Yuna with a grateful smile. "Would you be able to help them out with that, Yuna?"

Yuna hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between Taehyung's friends and the unconscious man lying in the hospital bed. Despite the unanswered questions swirling in her mind, she found herself nodding in agreement.

"Of course, I'll do everything I can to assist."

At night

yuna pov

i opened the door of my apartment which was not that big but big enough for a person like me who could rarely get chance to stay at home. but who can i blame? noone . i choose to become one.I placed the bag on my living room sofa and went to the bathroom for freshen up.

I looked at the clock it was already 11pm but the sleep was nowhere near. My phone buzzed gaining my attention i looked at the caller id and ignored that. It was my father . after some minute i recieved the message" come to visit , why did you reject the date which i had set for you?".

They wanted me to married to a the son of his friend which i definatly don't want . After my mother death he married to a another woman. I didn't even get chance to see my mother for last time because i was in hostel and my father didn't let me see her, for which i could never forgive him.I went to my dreamland without realising.

It was second chapter, how was it don't hesitate to leave a comment.😋❤️

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