Chapter 2: Struggles in the City

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Stepping off the train in Mumbai, Y/N's excitement was tinged with apprehension. The city of dreams welcomed her with its chaotic streets and relentless pace. Finding her footing in this new environment proved to be a daunting task.

Despite her determination, the reality of survival in Mumbai hit her hard. With each passing day, her savings dwindled, and the weight of uncertainty pressed down on her shoulders. Yet, she refused to succumb to despair.

Turning to her passion for dance and singing, Y/N decided to leverage the power of the internet. Starting a YouTube channel became her lifeline, a platform to showcase her talent and connect with others who shared her love for music and dance.

Simultaneously, she enrolled in a dance and singing degree program, determined to hone her skills and make her mark in the industry. Working part-time jobs to make ends meet, she navigated the challenges of city life with resilience and grit.

As months turned into a year, Y/N's perseverance bore fruit. Her YouTube channel gained traction, garnering a loyal following captivated by her infectious energy and talent. Opportunities in the entertainment industry began to knock at her door, tempting her with the allure of fame and fortune.

But amidst the glitz and glamour, Y/N remained steadfast in her dream of becoming a K-pop idol. Just when she was at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take, fate intervened in the form of an unexpected email.

An invitation from an Indian girl pop group beckoned her, offering a chance to join their ranks and pursue her passion for music. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Y/N accepted the invitation, knowing that this could be the first step towards realizing her ultimate dream.

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