Oru Kili Siru Kili

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Hii ppl!

So, I have this story for you, Hope you all will like it. Speaking of love, the theme song for this story is "Oru Kili Siru Kili" from Leelai. That song is eight years old and STILL amazing! It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about love and music. Plus, Tamil, the language it's in, is like magic for love vibes – even if you're single AF.

Anyway, it's a short story, so get comfy and let's dive in!


The opulent wedding hall reverberated with a hollow merriment. Aadhya, a dancer whose every movement spoke volumes of untold stories, stood beside Aadarshan (aka Aadarsh) , a poet whose words usually painted vibrant emotions onto blank pages. Today, however, their expressions were veiled with a quiet rebellion. Two souls, tethered by a silken thread woven from duty, not desire. The celebratory chants of the guests echoed like a foreign language, a stark contrast to the silent storm brewing within their hearts.

Their families, bound by years of friendship and a misplaced sense of tradition, had orchestrated this grand spectacle. Aadhya's parents, yearning for the security of a well-established family, had ignored their daughter's dreams of marrying for love. They saw stability and societal approval in Aadarsh, the only son of a renowned businessman. Aadhya, however, dreamt of a love story that mirrored the passionate tales she witnessed on stage, not the preordained script laid before her. Internally, a rebellious fire flickered in her eyes, a silent vow to rewrite her own destiny.

Aadarsh, burdened with the responsibility of carrying his family's legacy, had no say in the matter. Poetry, his true passion, took a backseat as he shouldered the weight of expectation. He longed for a love that resonated with the verses he penned, a love that ignited a fire within him. This arranged marriage, however, felt like a carefully crafted sonnet devoid of genuine emotion.He clenched his jaw, the frustration a bitter counterpoint to the forced smile plastered on his face.

Their first dance was a performance of practiced grace. Their bodies, adorned in opulent borrowed finery, moved in a carefully choreographed charade. Aadhya felt like a puppet yanked on unseen strings of societal expectations. Every practiced smile and stolen glance felt hollow. Aadarsh, his gaze searching for an escape route within the confines of the dance floor, felt like a lone verse lost in an epic of societal obligations.

The following days morphed into a monotonous blur of social obligations and strained silences. Aadhya sought solace in the confines of her studio. The familiar feel of the wooden floor, once a springboard for joyous creations, now served as a grounding force against the emotional turmoil within. Her once vibrant dance routines now mirrored the emptiness she felt. The joy that had always been her signature had vanished, replaced by a dull ache of longing. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the reflection staring back at her from the mirror. Where was the passionate dancer she once knew?

Aadarsh, his pen resting untouched, found himself drawn to the piano in their house's grand hall. His fingers, usually adept at weaving tales in words, began composing melancholic sonnets. The music spoke of a yearning he couldn't define, a yearning for a connection that transcended the gilded cage he found himself in. It was a melody that mirrored the unspoken longing in Aadhya's heart. As the final note faded, a heavy silence descended. He closed his eyes, picturing Aadhya's fiery spirit dancing across the emptiness within him.

One stormy afternoon, fate, like a mischievous dancer, intervened. Seeking refuge from the downpour, Aadhya stumbled upon Aadarsh in the grand hall. His fingers were weaving a tapestry of emotions on the ivory keys, a melody that resonated with the longing she had tried to suppress. The raw honesty of the piece pierced through the dam she had built around her emotions, and tears welled up in her eyes.

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