Chapter 20

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The next morning John B, Sarah and I drove to the Chateau to meet up with the Pogue's to come up with a plan to melt and sell the gold that John B got so far. "This better work Kie, we can't pawn it with a giant wheat symbol on it." JJ said, and she held up a blowtorch. JJ wants to use the gold to pay for the restitution to Topper's mom for sinking the boat.

"It's gonna work." We all stood back and watched as she put it in a container before blasting it with the blow torch. it melted down to a weird looking uneven circle. We got in the car and drove to the pawnshop.

"Nice job melting it down Dr. Frankenstein." JJ criticized her work.

"Like you could've done any better." She scoffed.

"I could actually I took a welding class one time." He stated.

"When?" I asked him, knowing that's bullshit.

"Guys!" John B shushed us. We walked inside the beat up pawn shop to see a woman standing behind the desk.

"I see you buy gold." JJ told her.
"That's what the sign say don't it?" She responded with a disapproving look.

"Well I'm about to blow your mind." He took the gold out of his bag and at first she thought it was fake. She did a bunch of tests on it and was mind blown when she realized it's real. JJ told her a bs story about his mom having Alzheimer's and melting down her jewelry.

"Mm-hmm Alzheimer's." She replied, obviously not buying it. "Give me one minute ."

"Take your time ma'am." She went through a curtain to the back and we all waited anxiously. Finally she came back.

"I talked to my boss, this is what I can do." She put down a piece of paper with the offer on it.

"Fifty thousand?" JJ scoffed. "You think I didn't come here knowing what the market value is?! This is worth 140 at least."

"Sweetie you in a pawn shop." She reminded him.

"Ninety or I walk." He threatened, and she thought about it for a second.

"70, halfway, and uh... don't ask any questions about where you got this." He looked over at JB who nodded, telling him to accept it.

"Deal, and I'll need that in large denominations please." JJ told her, and I tried not to show my excitement.

seventy-thousand dollars is a lot of money, and that's only a fraction of what's in that well. John B told Sarah and I this morning he thinks there could be up to 400 million dollars worth down there.

"Well here's the snag." She said, and I watched as JJ's expression changed to annoyance. "I don't have that kind of cash, I can write you a cashiers check."

"No." He argued. "I want it in cash, that's what your sign says, cash for gold. I want the cold hard." We're not stupid, she writes the check then cancels it after we leave.

"I'll have to send you to the warehouse." She responded. "I have the cash there if that's okay with you." He gave her a pissed off look.

"Where is this warehouse?"


She ended up giving us the directions, and the gold back with us to take there to get our cash. She told us it's on a street called resurrection drive, and JB started driving. I'm sitting in the back with the guys and Kie, and Sarah is up front with him. "There's warehouses out here?" Pope asked, as we took in some of the seriously sketchy places down here.

"That's what she said." I replied, starting to get nervous. This seems like a bad idea.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah said, and I haven't either.

"That's cause you're rich." JJ stated rudely, and I shot him a look.

"You haven't either." Kie called him out.

"Thank you." Sarah said. I looked at the gold in JJ's hand, and the more it hits me how much this nugget of gold is worth, the more I'm wondering if this "warehouse" is legit. We traveled down a road that is nothing but woods and grass, and my bad feeling is starting to get worse.

"There's nothing here but weeds." Kie pointed out, and JJ scoffed.

"Just because it's weeds doesn't mean it's-" He was cut off by the sound of a police siren. We looked out the back window to see an undercover cop car.

"Ugh, seriously." I huffed, and JJ scrambled to hide the gold, and whatever other paraphernalia he has on him.
"Cops? Out here?" Kie questioned confused.

"Shit, did you bring the gun?" John B asked him.

"No, everyone told me to leave it back at the place." He rushed to hide the gold under the seat.

"He's walking up right now." Kie warned us as he kept trying to get his stuff hidden. Before we could even process I heard the sound of a gun being cocked, and looked over to see a guy with a skeleton mask covering half his face, pointing a gun at John B.

"Why don't I see your hands in the air." He told JB. "ALL OF YALL'S HANDS IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW!" My heart started pounding with fear and we raised our hands. It was a fucking set up. He made John B get out then ordered us all out of the car. "Lay down in the ditch! LAY DOWN IN THE DITCH ALL OF Y'ALL! ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES LETS GO!" We did as he said and I can feel myself starting to shake in fear. I'm in between JJ and Pope and I'm praying JJ doesn't do anything to make him shoot us. "PUT YOUR FACE IN THE GROUND! DON'T LET ME SEE YOU LOOK UP!" I kept my gaze on the ground, but glanced over to see him rummaging through the back seat. His voice sounds familiar...too familiar.

"It's a set up guys." Kie said.

"That old bat shacked us." JJ hissed. "God damn it." He started punching the ground angrily, and on the end I could see John B starting to move.

"John B no!" I hissed quietly, and Pope looked over as he started to stand up.

"Don't be a hero man!" He whispered, and he shushed us before running into the guys car.

"ALRIGHT NOW Y'ALL JUST STAY LIKE THAT!" The guy yelled as he got out. He has to have the gold.

"UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR BRAINS BLOWN OUT ALL OVER THIS ROAD." It's the same words Barry said to me the other day. I tried to catch a glimpse without moving my head too much but it's too risky. He made his way back over to the car, and within a second him and John B started fighting. He got the gun away and JJ ran over punching him to the ground. We all ran over and I grabbed the gold as Sarah knocked him down with the car door. They each started kicking him, and then John B pulled his mask down to reveal Barry. I knew it.

"I know this piece of shit!" JJ stated. "He's a base head."

"He probably knows my brother." Sarah said.

"He sells coke to my dad." JJ added.

"Alright listen I could've killed any one of y'all and-" JJ cut him off by smashing the gun against his head.

"JJ!" Kie scolded.

"Dude chill." Pope pulled him back. As Barry started wheezing, JJ reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, grabbing his license and then throwing it back down.

"We got one last stop." He grabbed John B and we went back to the car. "Let's see where this son of a bitch lives."

"I'M GONNA REMEMBER THIS SHIT! I KNOW Y'ALL! YOU AIN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Barry yelled, and John B threw his keys deep into the woods.


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