Chapter 13

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It's almost nightfall now and Kie asked me to go with her and the guys to the movie on the beach thing.

Usually it's a kook thing but she somehow roped in JJ and Pope. I put on one of Rafe's sweatshirts and shorts and headed out there to meet them. "Hey." I greeted and JJ and Pope said hi.

"Molly can I talk to you?" Pope asked, and I nodded, allowing him to pull me over to the side. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have freaked out at you on the boat. What Rafe did isn't your fault."

"It's okay, I'm sorry that he attacked you." I apologized on his behalf. Even though I had no idea it happened, I'm still embarrassed to be dating the person that hurt him.

"We cool?" He asked, and I nodded.

"We're cool." We rejoined Kie and JJ as they carried their chairs.

"Aren't you guys so glad I made you come?"

"Ecstatic." Pope replied sarcastically.

"My couch was pretty comfy." JJ responded. Kie went to grab sodas for us and I noticed Pope looking worried.

"What's wrong?" He looked between me and JJ.

"We're out of the green zone man." He whispered to JJ.

"Dude tranquilo okay?" JJ responded and I watched as his eyes scanned the grass for any sign of trouble.

"We're in the middle of Kooklandia, this is the last place I wanted to be." Pope continued freaking out.

"Pope relax, it's packed here I doubt Rafe or Topper would jump you in the middle of a movie." I tried to reassure him. Kie came back and handed us each a soda.

"Um, I just saw Rafe over there and he said and I quote 'tell your boy we know what he did." She told us, and I looked at Pope nervously.

"Anyone want to tell me what that's about?"

"Where is he?" JJ asked.

"Right there." She gestured behind us and we all turned to see Rafe, Topper, and Kelce staring at us. I could feel the anger building up in me.

"Don't stare bro." JJ hissed, and turned Pope's head back towards the screen. "Just warning you if they come at me I'm swinging. slicing and dicing bro I'm on edge right now." I looked over at Kie who looks beyond angry and confused. "And if that doesn't work, I have this." He held up his bag and I know that means he brought the gun, making my stomach drop.

"Yeah yeah so we just stay in the group." Pope agreed. "They can't get us if we're in the group like a school of fish."

"JJ please tell me that you did not bring a gun here." Kie stated. "Seriously there are kids here!"

"No I did not bring a gun Kie everything's fine." He lied.

"Seriously that's very convincing thanks JJ." She responded, and I looked down anxiously.

"I'm gonna say something to him." I went to get up but they stopped me.

"Dude no! If you say something then it comes off like we're guilty."

"You are." I reminded him. "I can just tell him not to-"

"Just leave it alone Molly." JJ cut me off.

"Key founding principle no secret amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about?" Kie demanded.

" might go down tonight." Pope told her vaguely, and JJ shot him a glare.

"What did y'all do?"

"Deny deny deny." JJ muttered, and Pope stuttered out a vague stupid explanation. She rolled her eyes and was forced to not question it as the movie started. I'm sitting between Pope and JJ, and I can't focus on the movie. There's too much going on right now. Every time I hear something I'm terrified that Rafe is going to start something. About halfway into the movie Pope looked over.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon