Chapter 12

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We went through the scene with the drone three times and the gold isn't there. The ship is empty. I felt my heart sink and my head spin. "It's not there just pull the drone up." JB said, and I sat down at the end of the boat on the seat.

"We can recharge the battery and do another pass." Pope offered.

"We went through it three times already!" JJ yelled from the wheel. "It's not there!"

"You don't know that!" Kie yelled. "It could be buried we don't know!"

"Someone must have beaten us to it." JB said.

"If it was ever there." I heard JJ mumble and I shot him a glare. John B's dad died in search of this gold.

"Just the fact that we managed to find the Merchant alone is an accomplishment." I reminded them.

"Easy for you to say!" Pope hissed, and I gave him a confused look. What the hell is his problem. "You don't need the gold you're already rich as fuck."

"Pope." JJ warned him to back off.

"I was just trying to help." I replied, trying to hide the hurt in my voice. What happened to being "one of them."

"Maybe you shouldn't." He snapped back and I get that they're upset but I'm losing my patience with his

"What is your problem?!" | asked, standing up and walking over to him.

"My problem?! You wanna know what my problem is?!"

"Pope stop it man!" JJ jumped in stepping between us.

"She needs to hear it! Yo-"

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" John B screamed clearly over this whole thing today. Everyone stayed silent andJJ drove the boat back to the dock at his house and I left to go home.


I got back to the house and into my room to see Rafe sitting on my bed making me jump. I wasn't expecting him to be here. "What are you doing here?" I asked and he stood up.

"Where have you been? I've been texting and calling you for days and you've been completely ignoring me." He hissed, and I gave him a sharp look.

"I told you if you're doing coke again I don't want to see you." I responded, putting my keys down on the dresser.

"Uh-huh and that's why you've been...cheating on me with that Pogue right?" He accused me and I gave him a confused look.

"Cheating on you? I haven't cheated on you." I'm not sure were he pulled that idea from.

"Don't lie to me." He stated in a threatening tone and I swallowed a lump of fear in my throat. He started walking closer to me and I took a few steps back to put some space between us. If he's using again like I think the is I don't want to be on the receiving end of his anger.

"I'm not lying. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Pope." He stated bitterly. "You left the party the other night and went to go meet up with him." My heart raced at his words. How could he possibly know that. "Don't try to deny it either alright? Kelce heard you on the phone." I thought back to him coming up to me to say goodbye. I knew that was out of character for him, but I figured he was just high.

"I did meet up with Pope but it was all the Pogues." I told him. "John B, JJ, Kie, and Pope were all there." He scoffed at this.

"You expect me to believe that?"

"I don't really care what you believe Rafe." I spat. I've had enough of these guys acting like dicks to me today. "I wouldn't have gone there at all if you spent less time snorting lines in the basement and more time with me."

"I wasn't!" He yelled. "I told you I wasn't going to do any!" Silence loomed between us after his words. I refuse to fight with him if he's going to explode like this. "It doesn't matter anyways, I already took care of that anyway." He said and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Pope." My eyes widened at this.

"What did you do to him?" I asked, wondering if that was the reason for his bad mood with me earlier.

"I took care of it." He responded vaguely.

"Rafe tell me what you did to him." He stood up, staring at me angrily.

"I reminded him that Pogues don't belong on our side of the island." My stomach dropped at this. He jumped him. I shook my head at him as anger rushed through me.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"They put a gun to Topper's head Molly!" He yelled back. "Did you forget that while you're spending every day with them?! You think they wouldn't do the same to you! Or me?! They don't think like we do! If you think even for a second any one of them would choose you over one of them you're an idiot."

"You didn't have to hurt him!" I countered.

"Did uh-did your little 'friends' tell you what they did in response? Huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"They sunk Topper's new boat." Shock coursed through me at his words. We were on that boat the morning of the beach cleaning. I know that thing was crazy expensive and Topper's mom must be pissed. "And if you're gonna say they wouldn't do that you're wrong because I know Pope did it."

"You jumped him, what did you expect?" He's trying to make his hatred seem justified because they sunk the boat, but they wouldn't have if he left them alone.

"I had Top's back because they put a gun to his head. I'm not the bad guy here." He defended himself and I can tell this isn't going anywhere. "But it's okay you know, because we'll get him back." He says it like he's doing me a favor.

"Just leave them alone Rafe." I pleaded, hoping they can drop it.

"It's not me that's going after them Mol." He responded, and I know what he means. Topper wants revenge, Rafe's just along for the ride.

"So don't help them. Let Topper handle his own shit." I know it's useless. He's looking for a reason to fight them and now he has it.

"This will be good for you, you know." He walked closer to me and held onto my hands. I looked up at him confused. "Once they're taken care of maybe you'll remember that you're one of us not one of them."

"They're my friends, I don't care how much money they have."

"See that's the problem." He stated, and used one hand to move the hair from my face. "You're too good. You think that they're friends with you because they like you, but really they're only friends with you because of how much money you have." My stomach twisted at his words. They wouldn't use me like that.

"You're wrong."

"Molly, how many times have you bailed JJ out of jail? Or helped any of them with a money problem?" A lot. I stayed quiet at this. "This is what Pogues do they use the people around them for their own benefit and they managed to rope you in so close that you're pushing away the people who actually like you for who you are like me and Sarah." Oh my god Sarah. I've been so wrapped up in this gold rush that I never even answered any of her messages since the party. He has a point and it hurts. I never thought that they would just use me but what if they are?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you guys away." I apologized, now feeling guilty. Am I one-hundred percent happy with Rafe at the moment no, but he's always loved me regardless of the money, and Sarah's always been my friend regardless of money. I don't want to lose them.

"It's okay." He pulled me in to a hug, and I relaxed against him happy that no matter what at least I have him.


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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora