Chapter Five

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As Edgar rised from his chair, the room seemed to shrink around him, suffused with an oppressive aura that sent a shiver down Skyla's spine. His fingers steepled in front of him, he regarded her with a gaze that seemed to strip away her defenses with surgical precision.

"You're probably wondering why I summoned you here, Miss Bloom," he began, his voice smooth as silk but carrying a chilling undertone that set Skyla's nerves on edge.

Skyla swallowed hard, her throat dry as sandpaper, her pulse pounding in her ears.

"Yes, Sir," she managed to reply, her voice barely audible above the hum of tension that filled the room.

Edgar's smile widened, revealing a glint of something unsettling in his eyes.

"You see, I have a proposition for you," he said, his tone dripping with malice, each word heavy with implication.

Skyla's heart lurched in her chest, dread pooling in the pit of her stomach like a lead weight. She knew better than to trust anything that came out of Edgar's mouth, but she also knew she had no choice but to listen, trapped as she was in his web of deceit and manipulation.

"And what might that be, Sir?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly despite her best efforts to appear composed.

Edgar leaned forward, the predatory gleam in his eyes intensifying as he spoke.

"All in good time," he continued, his smile widening into a sinister grin, his teeth too white to be natural, sending a chill down her spine.

"Have fun at school. I'll tell you more at dinner, Miss Bloom," he said.

Skyla's confusion mounted as Edgar mentioned dinner.

"Dinner?" she repeated.

Before she could press for answers, Edgar motioned for The Hulk to intervene, his silent command leaving no room for argument.

"Take her to school," he said as he sinks back into his chair.

Skyla watched as she was escorted out of the room, the weight of Edgar's impending proposition hanging over her like a dark cloud, casting a pall over her every thought and action.

She walked back down the hallway, and into the most luxurious foyer and out the door.

A shiny black SUV sat in the driveway, the door open. The Hulk pushed Skyla into the car, making her stumble into the beige leather seats.

The Hulk sat next to her.

"Safety first," he said motioning for her to buckle up.

Skyla complied with trembling fingers, the click of the seatbelt serving as a stark reminder of her vulnerability.

We drove in silence, the tinted windows too dark to see out of.

Fear dwelled in Skyla, as it dawned on her that they could be taking her anywhere.

The car stopped suddenly, making Skylar jerk forwards, hitting her head on the seat in front of her.

"Keep quiet, or you'll be sorry," The Hulk said before pushing her out the door.

Skyla is stunned as she stands on the footpath of her school. She looked at the car, confused, as it drives away.

She forced her wobbly leg's to walk into the school, still confused as to why her capturers would let her go to school.

After the weirdest day at school, Skyla paced the vast expanse of her room, each step echoing in the cavernous space.

Skyla's mind raced with futile attempts to concoct an escape plan, but the walls of the room seemed to close in around her, suffocating any glimmer of hope.

Rubbing her fingers against her temples in a futile attempt to quell the rising tide of panic, Skyla cursed the blank canvas of her mind.

After a good half hour of trying to figure out a plan to break free from this beautiful prison, the metallic click of the lock being undone shattered the oppressive silence, and Skyla's heart leaped into her throat as the door groaned open, revealing the imposing figure of The Hulk looming in the doorway.

Skyla stood frozen in place, every muscle in her body tensed with apprehension, as he uttered those dreaded words: "Come with me."

His voice was a low rumble, devoid of emotion or empathy, leaving Skylar with no choice but to obey. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she followed in his wake.

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