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The next morning Jisung was off work but Minho wasn't. Jisung picked up his phone and saw a message from Felix.

Lixie <3

So, you wanna come over to talk now? I'm back home

Sure, I'll be over soon

See you later :)


Jisung got off the couch, he remembered that he was only supposed to take a nap but he didn't really care any way. He started to get ready so he could go to Felix's house. His parents were much nicer so Jisung just picked out a casual comfy outfit. This was his outfit ↓

He put his shoes on and walked out the door

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He put his shoes on and walked out the door.


Minho got up and saw the time, he realized he was supposed to take a nap, not a whole day sleep. He jumped off the couch and rushed to get dressed, he wore something casual as well. This was his outfit ↓

He ran out the door to the cafe so he wasn't late

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He ran out the door to the cafe so he wasn't late. He opened the doors to see Changbin and Chan already there. "Why are you so late then?" Chan asked

"I took to long of a nap" Minho took a breath and walked behind the counter. Chan flipped the sign on the door to open.

"I told you to set an alarm" Changbin shrugged.

"I know..." Minho just started working as usual and the whole day went normal.


Jisung arrived at Felix's house. "Hey lix!" Felix was sat on the couch and stood up to greet Jisung.

"Hey Ji!" Felix hugged Jisung.

"Hey Mrs and Mr Lee" Jisung smiled at them.

"You guys can go on into Felix's room, I have snacks if you want some" Mrs Lee suggested.

"Okay, thank you, let's go!" Felix dragged Jisung into his room and sat on his bed. "So what is it?"

"So... You know minho?"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Well I went into that new cafe and he worked there so we started arguing and then I stormed out of the cafe. Then I went back to the library but someone called Seungmin and Jeongin were apparently Minhos friends and they asked me to make up with him. Obviously I said no and then they just ran out with the book I helped them get. What I don't understand is how nice his friends are compared to him. Also in the cafe there was Chan and Changbin who are also his friends apparently"

"Wow, that was a lot to take in at once.. Uh well.... Maybe you should give him a chance?" Felix thought.

"A chance?" He scoffed "no way, not gonna happen, he doesn't want to either" Jisung seemed a bit angry that his own bff just betrayed him.

"Oh..." Felix said quietly, he seemed a bit disappointed in himself for even thinking that he would say yes to that.

"How is Hyunjin? You confessed yet?" Jisung changed the topic.

"Oh uh, he's ok, I haven't confessed yet though, I'm waiting for the perfect time" Felix sighed

"Fair, but don't take to long or the opportunity might go away" Jisung suggested rubbing Felix's back ressuringly.

"I know.. I'll do it soon, I promise" Felix sat up. "Anyway, I have to go meet up with him actually, I just remembered, sorry" Felix walked out the door. "Bye!"

"Bye" Jisung followed him out, Felix went on out the door. "Bye Mrs and Mr Lee, see you soon" he waved to them and left the house.


"Come on! You can do it! Please?" Chan encouraged Minho.

"Why? What's the point?"

"Just try please" Changbin was pratically begging now. Minho sighed.

"Fine" he put his shoes on and walked out the cafe.

"Have fun!" Chan waved.


Jisung was walking back to his house when he got a message from Chaewon.


Uh, Minho is here at the library to see you for some reason...


He said he wants to talk read

'Seriously?! Now of all times?! I mean, Felix did say giving him a chance was a good idea.... Wait no what if he isn't even there for that reason? What if it's something else that's bad? Never mind, I should just go and see whats up, not like I'm doing anything anyway.' Jisung thought. He turned to go a different direction so he could go to the library. Once he arrived he saw Minho sat on one of the couches. His outfit was pretty nice I have to say... Not out loud though... Obviously

Minho looked up and saw Jisung, he shuffled over so there was space for him to sit. He picked the longest couch so they didn't have to get close to each other. Chaewon had already left to leave them in private. "So... What did you want?" Minho sighed and looked up.

"I didn't do this willingly, Chan and Changbin pratically forced me to... Anyway, Jeongin and Seungmin told me how nice you were when you talked to them, then they told Chan and Changbin, now they forced me to make up with you..."

Jisung was surprised to hear him not shouting or being rude for once. Maybe he should give him a chance.

"Anyway, I think maybe we should forget the past and become... Friends..." Minho really looked like he didn't want to say that last part. Jisung was thinking.

"Well... Felix said I should make up with you so... I guess that's fine..." Minho looked surprised that he actually agreed to becoming friends.

"Well, at least I won't get shouted at any more by Chan and Changbin... And Seungmin.... And... Jeongin..."

"Wait, everyone was encouraging you to make up with me?"

"Yeah" Minho looked down. There was an awkward silence (CAW CAW CAW) until Minho spoke up again. "You still want that iced latte?"


I feel like this is moving to quick...

𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝑰 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓? || MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now