Trust vs Love

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I've read somewhere that said, "Trust has become more important than love." These past few years I've learned how to not only trust myself but also who I can trust. I've been betrayed and lied to but that hasn't changed my perspective of wanting to trust others again. The truth I had to face was myself and to recognize "What am I accepting into my life?" and "Who supports my growth?" I carry hope with the means of becoming better and building healthier boundaries. Trust is equal give-and-take. It's not one-sided, it's earned on both sides. My circle became small because I've become more self-aware. So yes trust to me is more important than love. Anyone can love anyone but at the end of the day—do you feel safe with the people you surround yourself with? Do you trust yourself to make decisions to do what's right? Once trust is established, then love comes to show in healthy ways from the right people.

CLOCK OUT: Sun | Jan 21, 2024 | 10:05 pm

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