Kings of The Crumb

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After what felt like eons of dodging giant feet and swatting away from old ladies with a vendetta, us bugs in Bugsville had had enough. The stakes in our game of dodge-the-foot were literally life or squish, and let me tell you, it's no small matter when you're just trying to enjoy a nibble on a dropped cookie crumb.

Our supposed "advantage" of flying? Oh, it's great, alright, until you're suddenly in a high-speed chase with a seagull, or worse, facing down an angry old lady wielding a fly swatter like she's Arthur himself, and that swatter is Excalibur.

But resilience is in our DNA. We bugs decided it was time for a change. So, we did what any self-respecting community would do: we elected a boss. Meet Buzz Goldbug, formerly known as Benjamin Goldstein, a Wall Street maven with an insatiable appetite for wealth and power. His transformation into a bug did little to change his ambitions.

Under Goldbug's rule, we saw the dawn of a new era: the Bug Tax Apocalypse. No longer could the fastest bug claim the choicest crumbs. No, now we needed "nectar nuggets" just to get a bite. Our once simple lives turned into a struggle of economic survival.

My crew and I, not ones to be downtrodden, decided on a game-changer: a bank heist. The target? The vault of the Bugsville Bank, rumored to be filled with the most coveted of treasures: dew droplets and nectar nuggets.

Our plan was audacious. With Goldbug distracted by the promise of Dorito crumbs (a ruse, of course), we made our move. We zipped through the window of the bank, bypassing the line entirely-benefits of being bugs.

The heist was anything but straightforward. We dodged the legendary Old Man McSwatter and his dreaded plastic weapon, mourning the brave bugs lost in the Great Flooding of '20. May they rest in peace.

Finally, at the counter, faced with a cashier all too familiar with the squishing of bugs, we made our demands. Her protest of innocence met with our steely resolve. "We don't care, just hand over the loot!"

Escaping just as the "fuzz" arrived, we found ourselves suddenly on top of the world. Or, more accurately, Bugsville. With pockets full of nectar nuggets, we were kings.

So, to all you giants out there, take note. We may be small, but our ambition knows no bounds. We are the bugs of Bugsville, resilient, cunning, and not to be underestimated. And who knows? The next time you see a bug scurrying away with a crumb, just remember: it might be a millionaire in disguise, living the high life-one nectar nugget at a time.

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