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"Rain Rain help mee!!" Phayu screamed on the top of his lungs. Rain entered the room on hearing it only to see both Phayu and Sky sitting on the opposite edges of the sofa. On seeing the slightly confused expression on rain's face, "This wasn't the scene a minute before." Phayu said being slightly pouty while telling it to his boyfriend. Rain glanced at him and his crumpled shirt and then towards Sky. Sky felt the sofa beside him getting pressed as Rain sat next to him.

"Hello P'Sky, how have you been?"

"Ask your boyfriend" Sky didn't wanted to come out this rude but he was too annoyed right now to be polite.

"It is not entirely my fault!"

"It is!"

"Can you both just stop and tell me what happened." Rain said, how can he resolve this fight if he doesn't know what it is about.

"Its Prapai"

"Its Pai" Both said at the same time and Rain sighed.

"What did he do?" Rain asked.

"What did he do? He made my life miserable and Phayu is responsible for it." Sky snapped at it.

"Oh come on, he's not that bad that you say your life is miserable."

"It is! You don't know how much he texts me. There is a message almost every second."

"Just ignore the messages then"

" I- " Sky stopped, his mind processing what to say. How do he tell them that it isn't the messages that creates a problem, its the weird feeling which tends to creep in his mind at every message sent by him. But Sky can't help with it, the texts are caring probably when he is worried for him. They are cheesy, probably when he wants to tease him. They are full of sweetness, probably when he is happy. Overall the messages create this kind of a tingly feeling in his body which he is not able to ignore.

Rain turned his head between Phayu and Sky as they both threw arguments on each other like a ping pong ball. It was finally when Sky stopped for some time that Rain got the chance to speak up.

"Sooo Is P'Pai hitting on P'Sky?"

"Huh who said that?" Sky said almost immediately.

"Well Pai is a busy man and if he is taking his time to pester you that much then he would surely be trying to pursue you right? Has he ever said you that he likes you or he is hitting on you?"

What Rain said totally made sense but as far Sky remembers he never said it. Although his words and his actions made it pretty much clear of his intentions but still Sky never actually heard it from his mouth. And it is the part which Sky hates the most. What if Pai isn't actually interested and just playing with him! He didn't have the energy to get his heart broken, not again. Moreover this silly argument with Phayu drained all of his energy for now. It was thanks to Rain who calmed him down. Also it felt so delightful to watch Phayu being sulky on watching his boyfriend taking sides of the other person. He grinned and teased him even more about it until he got totally annoyed.


Prapai sat in his rotating chair and grinned at something on his phone screen like crazy. It was a reply from Sky to a message he sent him an hour ago.

"Stop smiling like that and continue your work." A female voice spoke up from his behind.

Prapai startled at his assistant's voice and immediately kept his phone aside and made sure that it was upside down so she couldn't peek at his chats. He didn't blamed her though, Prapai slacked off a lot recently and now he was paying for it by working for so late that he couldn't even go to see Sky. He was grateful that his assistant handled all the things in his absence, she may seem scary but she is the best at her work.

His phone made a sound indicating that there was a notification of something and Prapai's fingers itched to watch it but he could feel a pair of eyes staring at him so intensely which made him go back to his work quietly.

He wondered if it was Sky's message or not. SKY, he was drawn to him the very first time he saw him at the bar. But now that fate made them cross paths again, Prapai didn't wanted their paths to diverge again. He somehow felt a weird connection with the person that he himself couldn't explain. But one thing which he could tell for sure was that it wasn't the feeling he had with any of the persons he pursued in his past. Most of them were his hookups but sex wasn't what he wanted from Sky. It was his presence which was enough for him to remain happy for the whole day. When he recieves a reply from him, his stomach does these weird twists that are definitely not from the food he eats. It was something that he didn't understand nor that he wanted to understand because whatever it was, it made him feel the happiness he never did before. He smiled more often and his mind revolves around ways to make Sky smile. It was a change in him that everyone close to him noticed.


For Sky the whole week had been hectic and he liked it this way. It kept his mind in place and prevented it from traveling to places but also made him exhausted so now all he wanted was the weekend to come by quickly. The only thing he wanted right now was to go home and drop himself on the bed and stay there for the whole weekend without moving an inch. Prapai didn't show up in front of his office anymore but that doesn't stopped him from pestering sky. He usually called him in the night and even after Sky ended up blocking him, he came up with another number to call him. As much as he would say that he was annoying, listening to his voice in the night calmed him down as if all the exhaustion from the day melted away in seconds. He told him about himself and no matter how much Sky acted uninterested in it, his ears listened to everything the latter said. He had to stop himself from smiling at some points, it was good that he couldn't see Sky smiling over the phone. From what he said, he had a really nice family and Sky wondered what if he also had a family like that.


Wait I can see something! I can see Sky and Rain being besties in the near future.

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