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"The one whom you love is soo lucky!" These words echoed in Sky's mind throughout the fifteen minute drive from Prapai's home to his own. Their apartments weren't much far away. Sometimes there are things said by someone that tend to linger in your mind for too long and the same happened with Sky. Once he reached his home, it wasn't the call from his mom or anything else that bothered him but a few words that somehow managed to create an imprint in his mind.

'Was the person he loved really that lucky? Then why did he left him.'

Sky's emotions were at peak right now and every little thing was suffice to overwhelm him. He lay down on his bed, staring at his ceiling and playing with the hem of his t-shirt not moving an inch.

He glanced towards the old fashioned clock on his bed side.

3:49 P.M

He stared at the clock in surprise, it felt like only a few minutes when he came back home and now it was already this late. He quickly scrunched his eyes shut and cut himself from every single thought going on in his mind. There was this one thing he can definitely not afford, dark circles. Moreover he needed atleast a few hours of sleep to behave like a decent human at work and not like a walking zombie. So he looked for a distraction, like he always did.

Distracting himself is one thing he always does. Maybe running away from problems isn't really a solution but that's the only way he can prevent himself from going crazy. Even distractions can be of many types but the one Sky always chose was his work. He enjoyed where he was right now in his life and even if his day at work feels like a loop, he could atleast use it as a distraction from the wide range of issues in his personal life.

His mind roamed through all the work he had to complete in recent days which included preparing for a very important meeting with a Japanese company that was held in two weeks. His mind automatically felt at rest once he wasn't thinking about his life and sleep didn't took long to come over.


Prapai stared at the drink in his hand. He sat on the swivelling chair, kept in front of the little bar he had at his home. He preferred drinking outside, at clubs glistened with neon lights where he could find himself a little treat for the night along with the alcohol. But right now nothing about it really mattered. The moment Sky made his way into his life, everything else around him became dull and the only light in his life came from the person who dropped him home today. It wasn't like Prapai never tried of returning back to his normal life but with Sky's entry in his life nobody else appealed him. His last hookup was the one he had before meeting Sky at the club.

Prapai smiled at the memory of their first encounter. It was funny how Sky might not even remember it but Prapai did and was glad that fate made them cross paths again.

He laughed and drowned another sip of the liquid in his glass down his throat. What Sky said today gave him a kind of reality check. Over this period of time, he had unconsciously started liking Sky way too much.

Being committed to someone, leave being actually in love with a person was something he didn't really expected. Over this period, he got a little too attached to Sky and the thought of him loving someone else crushed his heart into several pieces. He refilled his glass which was now empty. The bitter taste of alcohol felt sweet on his tongue when mixed with the pain in his heart. He rested his head on top of his arm at the bar table. His other hand twisted and played with the glass while he listened to the rhythm of the watch on his wrist. The environment contrasted with Prapai's mood at the moment. It was dark and gloomy unlike the bright lights of his apartment. The silence in his home messed up with his mind. It made him realise how alone he was. He felt vulnerable and the quietness gradually and slowly swallowed him completely.

A loud ringing sound in his ear startled Prapai which made him almost jump from his chair. He glanced at his surroundings. A small amount of liquor spilled from his sudden movement onto the polished white surface of his floor. Without him even realising it, sleep had took over him in the past few moments.

His phone rang once again which pulled him out of his trance. His eyes fell on the name of the person calling him this late.


He fumbled a little with the phone on watching the contact name but fortunately it didn't fell down. He quickly picked up the call before it turns off again and made all the efforts not to sound drunk.

"Hellooo mae"

"Pai baby sorry to disturb your sleep but there is a little trouble over here." Prapai sensed the worry in her voice which screamed that the 'trouble' wasn't 'little'.

"Well, Plerng here has caused some mess."

"What mess, mom?"

"The trouble is him being your brother ! I always refused you from going to that dangerous racing place and now he is at it too!" She raised her voice a little before bringing it down to a mere whisper.

The memories of the place where him and Phayu used to hang out back then, flashed through his mind. As much as he liked racing and the thrill that it was coupled with, he knew the intensity of the danger from certain people who also used to hang out there. There were kids of rich and influential people and the spoiled brats who always looked for trouble. Even the thought of his small brother being among those kind of people sent shivers down him. Phayu and him were literally the king of that alley and no one bothered to cause a nuisance to them but he wasn't sure if that was the case with his brother too.

"There were some people who beat him up. They left only because Phan arrived on time and threatened to call the police."

Prapai sighed, "Don't worry mom I am coming there right now."

The person on the call was quick to cut him off, "No, don't! Come here tomorrow. I will send you the hospital's location."

Prapai would have straightaway drove there, ignoring his mom's plea, only if he weren't drunk. They already have their one son in the hospital bed and he doesn't think they require their other son there too due to a car accident.

"Okay but please take care of him!"

"Of course, we will," Prapai heard some sounds from the background and decided that it was better to hang up the call now.

After having a quick goodbye with his mother, he left a message to his assistant informing her of his absence tomorrow.

As soon as he left the message, his phone made another sound. It was the location of the hospital. It was pretty near from his parent's house and just an hour of drive from his own.

He left the glass along with the baggage of his own grief on the table and started packing his stuff to stand with his family.



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