Interlude 2: Emily Koster

Start from the beginning

It was then that footsteps echoed through the hall, a sound that under normal circumstances would have prompted Emily to quickly recompose herself. But tonight, she felt drained of the strength to pretend. The footsteps halted, and a shadow fell over her, indicating the presence of someone standing nearby. Expecting a curious onlooker or perhaps a concerned friend, Emily braced herself to face another round of inquiries or empty consolations.

However, the voice that broke the silence was neither curious nor overly sympathetic. It was calm, collected, and carried an unmistakable authority that made Emily lift her head in surprise.

"Evelyn," Emily corrected instinctively, even in her distressed state recognizing the stature of the person who had addressed her.

Evelyn, known throughout the academy not just for her unparalleled power but also for her solitary nature, stood before Emily. Her expression was not one of pity, which Emily would have resented, but rather a thoughtful consideration, as if she were trying to read the pages of a book only she could see.

"What happened here?" Evelyn asked, her tone devoid of the usual coldness many had come to associate with her. There was a genuine curiosity in her question, an unexpected kindness that caught Emily off guard.

Emily hesitated, torn between her pride and the unexpected opportunity to confide in someone who, for all intents and purposes, stood outside the usual circles of academy politics and drama. Something in Evelyn's demeanor, perhaps the lack of judgment or the quiet strength she emanated, encouraged Emily to speak.

"It's... it's nothing," Emily began, her voice betraying her attempt at nonchalance. "I mean, Really..."

Evelyn sat beside her, but in a odd way, her nose pointed in her direction. "I remember this smell... Eldoria's perfume?"

Emily couldn't help but release a small, surprised laugh through her tears at Evelyn's observation. "Yes, Eldoria's," she confirmed, managing a weak smile. "I'm surprised you remembered."

Evelyn thought back on its mystical properties, its effect on one's allure and charisma.  "I see. The perfume was your strategy to capture the prince's attention?"

"Yes," Emily admitted, her voice small, "but it seems foolish now. No amount of perfume can force someone to feel something they don't." Her words were laced with the bitter realization of her own naiveté.

Emily's admission hung in the air between them, a confession of vulnerability. She sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation seeping through. "I had it all planned out, you know? But then Lydian appeared, and suddenly, my plans, my hopes... they seemed so trivial. I... I thought of making her pay, somehow."

Evelyn listened intently, her expression unreadable. Emily's talk of revenge felt like an echo of the game's storyline—where Emily and Evelyn both became antagonists to Lydian. It was a narrative too familiar, yet here, in reality, it presented a choice.

"It's easy to fall into the script the world expects us to play," Evelyn finally spoke, her voice carrying a hint of wisdom that seemed beyond her years. "But life isn't a game, Emily. Actions have real consequences, and becoming the villain in someone else's story won't heal your own."

Emily's initial thoughts of retribution seemed to waver under Evelyn's gaze. The idea of revenge had momentarily blinded her to the person she truly wanted to be. "But just letting it go feels like admitting defeat," Emily confessed, a tinge of stubbornness in her voice.

"Who said you had to give up? Evelyn shifted slightly, turning to fully face Emily. "There's a difference between letting go of revenge and giving up. You're not conceding defeat; you're choosing to move forward in a way that's healthier for you. It's about finding competition rather than payback."

"How can you defend Lydian like that... You feel the same don't you? I heard she accused you of being the demon king."

Evelyn paused, the mention of Lydian's accusation bringing a rare flicker of emotion across her usually impassive face. "Lydian's accusations stem from misunderstanding and fear, not malice. Responding with vengeance would only validate those fears and misunderstandings," she explained, her voice steady but revealing a hint of the inner strength that had always defined her.

Emily listened, the turmoil within her beginning to subside as she considered Evelyn's words. The simplicity and clarity in Evelyn's perspective were disarming. "But how do you deal with it? The rumors, the whispers... doesn't it make you want to fight back?"

"It does," Evelyn admitted, "but I could care less of what others think."

Emily looked up, her gaze locking with Evelyn's. There was a resolve in Evelyn's eyes, a strength that Emily found herself enviously admiring. "You really don't care? Not even a little?"

Evelyn's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. "Caring about what others think gives them power over you."

Their conversation hung quietly between them, giving Emily space to reflect. The concept of letting go of vengeance, as illuminated by Evelyn's insights, gradually took root.

"You know... Feels like I'm speaking with someone twice your age."

What Emily didn't know was that Evelyn had been isekai'd, she in fact did have experiences and wisdom that spanned beyond her apparent teenage years in this world. Her knowledge of the game's lore and characters only seemed to enhance her ability to navigate the complex social dynamics at the academy. This perspective allowed her to see beyond the immediate drama and understand the deeper motivations and insecurities driving those around her.

Evelyn's demeanor shifted slightly, a reflective look crossing her face as she pondered Emily's observation. "Let's just say I've had my fair share of learning experiences," she offered, deliberately vague yet with a tone that suggested volumes unsaid.

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