Chapter 2: Welcome to Mystic Academy

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As the carriage wheels stuttered against the cobblestone, drawing me ever closer to Mystic Academy, a jumble of anticipation and resolve enveloped me. The early morning light bathed the countryside, marking the transition from the life I knew at the Vancourt estate to the mysteries that awaited at the academy.

"Miss Evelyn, do you understand the academy's importance?" the voice of my servant, broke the silence.

"A bit," I admitted, keeping my knowledge of the academy's lore, gleaned from countless hours in the game's world to myself.

"The academy was founded by the great hero, Alexander Mystic, as a beacon of academic and combat excellence. After defeating the demon king, he dedicated his life to training future heroes." She recounted, her pride in the tale adding a new dimension to the narrative I knew so well.

The grand gates of Mystic Academy soon loomed before us, their intricate runes shimmering under the morning sun. The sight was more majestic than any game graphics, and as we passed through, the reality of my new life began to truly sink in.

This was undoubtedly the protagonist's academy. I already had no intention of looking or even interacting with most students... especially her.

"I hope you make a lot of friends!" My hopeful servant chirped from behind me, her words carrying a blend of encouragement and wistful longing, as if she wished for me to experience the friendships she might never have had herself.

"We'll see what happens," I murmured, giving nothing away. Inside, my plans to remain detached were firm, but acknowledging her good intentions felt like the right thing to do.

The air vibrated with the bustling energy of young mages and warriors, all converging on the sprawling grounds of Mystic Academy, eager to show off their abilities. I could definitely feel the magic in the air, without a doubt it was a 'Mystic' Academy.

My first stop was the Grand Hall for the entrance ceremony. As I made my way toward the Grand Hall, lost in my thoughts and the intricate details of the architecture around me, a sudden collision jolted me awake. A fellow student, moving with a haste that matched the pulsing energy of the academy, had bumped into me. Papers fluttered around us like a mini cyclone, momentarily creating a barrier of chaos between us.

"Sorry! So sorry!" The voice was instantly recognizable, even before I looked up. It was her—the protagonist of my new world, the golden child of Mystic Academy. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of embarrassment and earnestness as she hurriedly gathered her scattered notes from the ground.

"It's okay, no harm done," I mumbled, trying to hide my face as I helped her collect the papers. Our hands brushed briefly, sending a jolt of magic through me—It was an odd sensation, almost like being a vampire and touching holy water—minus the burning.

I wonder if she felt it too...

She looked up, her gaze curious and slightly puzzled. "Thanks! I was actually in a rush, and kind of lost," she confessed with a sheepish grin. Her demeanor was open and friendly, the kind of effortlessly charming personality that drew people to her. She was exactly as I remembered from the game—vibrant, destined for greatness, a natural leader.

"Actually could you point me to the Grand Hall? I'm supposed to be there for the entrance ceremony, and I don't want to be late."

Their plea for help, so earnest and frantic, reminded me of a small rabbit for whatever reason. A cute fluffy pink-haired one at that, echoing the protagonist's character arc I knew so well. Yet, standing here, in the flesh, they seemed more vulnerable, more real than any digital drawing could convey.

I just knew I had to come up with an escape plan, I wanted to show a little respect while maintaining my distance.

"Of course," I replied, masking my internal turmoil with a composed exterior. "It's over that way," I pointed. "Me? Well, I had business over that other way so uh I'll leave you to it. Good luck."

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