chapter -2

202 5 88

fruity shit

Pickle 😨 tickle my pickle 😨😨😨😨🍆


"Maybe I should lock the basement." Oj says, he looked at paper, waiting for his response.

"Yeah, I mean, the cherries are always trying to get in there and steal some things. I saw them try and turn some documents into a paper bird, but I stopped them thankfully." Paper looks back at oj as they walked across the hall.

As they were both going downstairs to the 3rd floor, they heard shouting.

"What now.." oj groans.


"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" Trophy yells at pickle.

"I didn't man! Seriously it was an accident-" pickle holds his hands up, trying to defend himself.

"Accident my ass. Do you know how expensive this camera is? " Trophy was about to say more when oj interrupted the fight.

"What's going on." Oj approaches the two of them

"Pickle broke my camera." Trophy holds his camera up, it is cracked and won't turn on.

"I didn't! It was an accident." Pickle tries to explain

"Okay, everyone calm down, what really happened?" Paper steps in. Looking at the both of them

"Well, I was just minding my own business when pickle bumped into me. He was running at full speed across the hall" Trophy was obviously still pissed.

"Dude, I told you it was an accident, I keep repeating that!" Pickle sighs.

"You were obviously trying to-"

"STOP!" Oj yells.
"Oh my god.. trophy it was an accident, I'll pay for your stupid camera to get fixed. Stop fighting" oj tells the both of them.

"We're not really fighting." Trophy says

"Oh, then what the fuck are we doing then? Having a nice cup of tea? I hate it when you say that.." pickle turns on his heel and walks away
"I'm so done, I'm going."

"Good! Don't come back! You didn't even say sorry you asshole!" Trophy yells as oj tries to calm him down.


Pickle walks up to salt and peppers door, he knocks on it, and waits politely. He is still angry, but he thinks that maybe if he lets his anger out then it will calm him down.

The door opens, revealing salt.

"Oh, hi pickle" salt greets.

"Hi.. can I go inside? I wanna talk about stuff." Pickle puts his hands behind his back, akwardly looking away.

"Talk as in.. gossip or shit talk?" Salt raises her eyebrow

"Uh.. both?" He says with uncertainty.

The door fully opens, revealing pepper who was on her bed, doing her skin care routine. Pickle walks in, sitting down on the bed with an exhausted sigh, he feels as if he is tired mentally and physically.

"Oh, hi P2'" pepper says as she puts on a face mask.

"Hi.." pickle mumbles.

"So, what is it you wanna talk about?" Salt closes the door and sits on the bed next to pickle, excited for what he's about to say.

"Ugh, I just.. it's kinda annoying fighting with trophy all the time. he always has to be right about everything, and he acts like he's wise and shit. 'grow up' dude! That's not helping!" Pickle let's his frustration out.

even if you don't want to (cheesy x trophy)Where stories live. Discover now