Holding Hands

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AN: Okay. Really quick before we do this. I really just created this story for fun....and to do the 30 day OTP challenge. That's kinda it. So I might do this and then quit, or maybe I'll find more prompts and keep going. For now this is what I'm starting with. Anyways....LET'S BEGIN!

"EMMAAAAAAAAA" I yell into the kitchen. I drag myself in and put my head on her shoulder. 

"What?" She asked before kissing the top of my head.

"I'm bored." I look up at her to see her eyebrows raised above her glasses. God she looks so cute. And her hair is down. I swear she is perfect.

"Aren't you always bored?" She says, interrupting my thoughts.

I pause for a while. "No." I finally say. Then I feel her hand wrap around mine a squeeze tightly. I squeeze back, smiling at her. She ruffles my hair and drags me to the door. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, confused. She hasn't let go of my hand yet. It's nice. My hands are always cold and hers are always warm. It's a nice balance.

"Out. You said you were bored didn't you?" She smirks at me. I scoff and follow her out the door. She drags me to the beach. 

I inhale the salty air, and listen to the waves crash on the beach and the seagulls cawing overhead. It's perfect. 

"You really like it here don't you?" I smile annoyingly at her. She just nods. I laugh and follow her as she pulls me to the waters edge. I'm realizing that she still hasn't dropped my hand. This whole time she's been holding it. My smile wideness. This is one of those moments. One of those moments where I can relax. 

Then, of course, she has to splash me. She laughs as water drips down my hair and face.

"You little sh-" I get cut off by another splash of water and fit of laughter. "You asked for this!" I yell, soon starting a water war. We splash each other non-stop. But she had let go of my hand and I felt a little upset that she had. I loved having her close to me. I loved her.

Eventually we ended up stopping, just laughing. I step closer and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my forehead on hers.

"I love you." I whisper quietly.

"I love you too." She says, and I can hear her smiling before she kisses me. I never want this to change. Because currently, everything's perfect. 

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