Side Story 2: Angelic Yet Fiery Aunt

Start from the beginning

Ashborn was lucky to meet Park Kyung-Mi and fell in love with her while Jisoo somehow knew she might follow his path of loneliness.

"So, when the Gates appeared, they stopped talking?" Deku asked, Bellion nodded and saying Ashborn didn't want the Monarchs to know he been visited by Seraphina, and he worried for her safety despite being a Ruler of Brilliant Light.

"That explains, but does she knows about Our Queen or her mother?"

"Lady Seraphina didn't knew about Our King's lover nor Our Queen's existence. I think she already found out when Our Queen transformed into her Monarch form, or she sense him being in this earth. Lady Seraphina always been considerate and attentive, I believe she understood why the Father King never told her," Igris explained to Beru who placed his claws to his mouth.

"True...true, true, true," Beru repeated in a whisper. Jisoo shook her head before she asked them when she will meet Seraphina.

Bellion was about to reply until a white light came from the window. "What the hell?!" Bakugo uttered loud while he and the others covered their eyes from the bright light.

"Last time I checked, I don't remember the Shadow Realm had white sunlight than the purple moonlight. That's Seraphina?" Jisoo turned her head to Bellion and Igris nodded. "She could've just given us an announcement." Beru mumbled. Jisoo and others went to the balcony of the castle and saw a female Ruler who burn brightly.

Seraphina the Burning Fragment of Brilliant Light.

Like the Rulers, Seraphina possesses a angelic white armored appearance with golden trimmed and robes. Her bright golden like flame hair sticked out of her gold helmet, glowing yellow eyes, and six white flame like wings. She had a winged sword on the side of her hips.

Like most of the higher ranked Rulers known as the Fragment of Brilliant Light, she did give a light glow but hers was the most burning God's rays.

Most the same as Mothra the Queen of the Monsters and Giver of Life.

"So, that's a Ruler? Are you sure the Rulers aren't related to the Angels of God?" Todoroki asked and wearing shades. Jisoo gives them shades since the Hero Trio and Penelope are humans, they can't stand the glowing light of a Ruler, especially a Fragments of Brilliant Light.

"Not really since the dipshit of a god copied the Abrahamic God's Angels. Either way, they are kinda like distant cousins to them," Jisoo responded to Todoroki's question, they were shocked by her answer while Beru chuckles.

She blamed the Absolute Being for the suffering of Ashborn and his bullshit.

"Park Jisoo, the newly Queen of the Dead and Daughter of Ashborn..." Seraphina spoke with a sophisticated tone, almost to the tone of royal Europeans or royal Asians. Despite being embodiment of flames, her tone was warm and soft.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked a simple question. Jisoo took a step further and stares at her with those glowing purple eyes. "I do," her answer boomed the surroundings around her. Seraphina titled her head before she turns down the glow around her and her feet lands on the balcony's floor.

She was larger than humans and almost the same height as Igris or Beru. "She does have resemblance to the Father King," Beru whispered to Igris who he and Bellion never thought about it until now. Her appearance is similar to Ashborn due to the flame like hair and the same aura he gives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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