Chapter 9

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On the way to Rome, Ancient Roman times

I woke up to the sound and the jostle of the prison cart as it moved over the pebbled road. I was the only one in the cart, when I awoke with no memory of who I was or how I got here. Something was telling me that I was officially in the wrong place and more scary than that............I was in the wrong time.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the cart stopped, I heard a loud thud and then a males voice saying annoyed "yes, I understand. I know I am two days late. But there was no easy pickings of enemy warriors or slaves" I heard a gruff voice reply "then why do you look so happy?" The first voice replied "well the gods took pity on me in the end, I have caught a beauty. She was fast asleep by the side of the road with no one around, I am hoping to get top coin for selling her" I winced as a hand grabbed hold of the flap of the back of the materiel that covered the back from view and pulled hard, a shining bright light blinded me for a brief moment. When I got hold of my bearings I found myself looking at two men in togas, they were both middle aged, one had brown hair and brown eyes, whilst the other had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The blonde haired man raised an eyebrow intrigued said "well, Dominus Anthony Aelius is in need of a new slave girl for his wife. The Dominus will pay handsomely for her. Come Marcus, let me show you to his house, it is not usually the done, but I do not want to take the risk of other people knowing, about her" he let the flap go and then the cart began to move again.

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