Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe it, my mother never did any charity work or even wanted to socialise with large groups of people that didn't give her attention let alone the one to be the subject of discussion.

But here she was sitting on a small stall in the ball room that only yesterday had the ancient Alpha shifters sitting where she now sat. The rest of the girls where sitting on cream coloured chairs with there hands lightly in there laps, Ruth looked up at me and quickly motioned for me to sit next to her, but mother quickly saw me walking slowly towards the vacant chair.

She cleared her throat said getting up whilst holding a school stick in hand "Emma, I thought they would have taught you better at that school. But obviously not, come here and take your punishment". I walked over to her, usually I would refuse outright, but to be quite honest I know my punishment would be even worse.

As soon as I stood in front of her looking at the young girl's in front of me, she said "I do not wish for you to wear your dress or undergarments. Take them off and then put them to the side.....NOW!!" I did as I was told, I stood there with only my corset, shivering from the coldness in the room and from the embarrassment. She raised the school stick high and let it fall hard on my bottom with a loud slap and hiss from me, because of the agonising pain. She said as she kept on hitting me "no one will come to your rescue. This ballroom is soundproof even from those 'things'. I have locked the door so no one can escape and tell them of what is happening" I didn't want to show her that I was in pain, but I couldn't stand it any longer and let out a scream of agonising pain. Jenny and Ruth shot up from their seats and rushed towards me. I had been shaking my head at them, throughout the entire process, I knew it would be bad if they dared to interfere, especially with a woman like my mother.

My legs couldn't hold out for much longer and started to crumble underneath the pain. Jenny caught me just in time whilst Ruth grabbed the stick from my mother's hands. I said through wheezing breaths of pain "why did you interfere...y....your family. shouldn't have interfered, will go ag....ahh" the pain was so bad that I couldn't speak any longer. I didn't remember who opened the doors finally, but as soon as I stepped into the entrance hall, bare as can be. I found myself looking up at the Viking Alpha shifter. He was looking over some notes, when his head shot up towards me, as if sensing my presence and the...........blood from my punishment.

He dropped the notes to the ground and rushed to catch me, as Jenny was buckling trying to keep me up whilst grabbing an instrument in hand incase my attacker came again.

He caught me just in time, I let out a soft sigh as his warm fur cloak touched my bare legs, letting out a small whimper of pain as one of his hands began to move down to the base of my spine. He caught himself, quickly asked whilst trying to control his rage "what happened, what happened to my mate?" Ruth ran into the entrance hall, but didn't answer him. She said trying to get my attention "Emma, Emma. You need to focus. Emma,, no, no. Don't go to sleep yet. You need to go to the hospital, Emma. Can you hear me?" I placed a kiss on his chest replied to Ruth "no, nope. Don't wanna. To comfortable, no, doctors. Tis only a mark" I heard Ruth sigh and then said to my Viking mate "The teacher just now, whipped her. Because she was a minute late. We need to go to the hospital, or we will lose her tonight......." I didn't hear the rest of it, because I had passed out in my Vikings arms.

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