Chapter 4

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I was reading one of the books on shifters, when I felt a warm,comforting presence behind me.

I turned around to face one of the Alpha Shifters from yesterday, he had long black hair tied at the back of his neck, showing his red scales on the left side of his face. He wore a long Red tunic that seemed strange on his large muscular body. I quickly bowed my head in reflex, when I did this he said gently "my love, you do not need to bow before me. You are my mate, my second half. Unless my scales that show on my face horrify you too much" my head shot up at this replied "no, of course not my Lord, I mean The Red Dragon..... it is just a reflex. We where told yesterday by the mistress before we came in, to never look at a shifter, especially no ancient" he just smiled at me gently said "that is only for the other humans, it is true that we do not like being looked at especially in the eyes. But this is only so they do not fear the beast that sometimes makes itself known through our eyes. You don't need to worry about this, you our both my mate and my beast that is imprisoned inside" he sat down next to me and looked at the book I was reading asked "how much have you read?" I closed the book replied "not much, just a small paragraph. To be quite honest with you, my mind has been on other things" then I asked facing him "is it true, that you all have around since before the beginning of time itself?" He nodded solemnly replied "yes, we have been around for that long. Although The Other, he has been around longer than that. He is one of the first shifters that had a beast inside him" he carried on looking out of the tall window that was in front of us in the library, as if from a memory.

"We were born out of nothing, before the beginning of time, there was a plateau where an ancient evil resided. He first fashioned the beasts, but they soon scared him more than anything, which that in itself is a great feet. He began to try and find ways to keep a hold on the beasts that he once thought as his very own sons. That is when he started to fashion us into being, strong enough to keep them in check and wise enough to not them free. The Other was the first one and then 2 centuries later he fashioned the rest of us. The Other wasn't there yesterday, only his second in command was. In a black hooded cloak" I asked him confused "so am I the second in commands mate then?" He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me against him replied "the second in command and The Other, share a mind link for certain occasions. You are definitely The Others mate, not his second in commands" I opened my mouth to ask him about his true name, when the doors to the library opened and in stepped the mistress. She let out a loud "oh" sound. Composed herself and then said apologetically "please forgive me. I didn't mean to intrude. But Emma needs to have some lady lessons, before lunch" The Red Dragon kissed the back of my head gently and then excused himself, leaving me feeling cold and craving his touch again. I put away the book that I was reading and fallowed her to my next lesson, shocked to find out that my dear mother of mine was the teacher.

A Shifter Georgian  World जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें