8 - A Tumble In Virulent's Forest

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After Adolpha's encounter with Yakob's anger, she was quick to leave River's Bed alongside her friends, Ajax and Quince, neither of whom knew about her prior interaction with Yakob. It hadn't been the first time he had left a dark mark on her skin. Ever since she had met Yakob, he had been adamant about his not wanting her to leave, for fear that she would loose her life. Twenty years ago, it seemed charming and protective. Now, it seemed controlling. Adolpha was happy to finally be rid of Yakob, but she knew that the relief was temporary. If nothing else, Yakob was a man of his word, and so she looked over her shoulder every step of the way. She knew that he would be after her; she just did not know when, and that made his looming presence all the scarier.

She had dreamt the night before their leaving, just as did Ajax and Quince. The mystical dreams had grown ever more frequent the past few weeks, and ominous, too. Adolpha remembered her most recent one vividly.

She had been standing in Virulent's Forest, floating, facing the lizard beast. He kept a devilish grin spread across his face, and his tail whipped back and forth like a cat's.

At first, Adolpha had been confused, and asked him, "Why are you here?"

"The real question you should be asking," Virulent had cooed, "Is why is she here?" His reptilian eyes flicked to the side, and Adolpha's gaze followed, seeing none other than Danica. Even now, even years after their departure, Adolpha recognised her in an instant. And yet, she was different. She was pale in skin tone, with straight, silvery blonde hair and brown eyes; but instead of brown, her eyes were solid black, and from the top of her head sprouted curled horns.

"Danica!" Adolpha cried out for her, pained to see her so.

She spoke, beady eyes narrowed, "Time is running out to save us."

Adolpha had woken with a shrieking start that morning, to which May had come from her room to comfort her.

"Ma, are you alright?" She'd asked.

Breathing heavily, Adolpha had lied, unable to bear the worried look on her sweet daughter's face, "Just a nightmare, but it's gone now. Why don't you go back to bed, and sleep the morning away?"

The blonde girl yawned, "Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Of course." And May had crawled into bed with her, snuggling against her warmth beneath fresh sheets. Adolpha held her close in her arms, listening to the softness of her breathing, knowing very well what her dream meant. Adolpha held May tightly, allowing her to fall asleep beside her, for she knew it would likely be the last time she ever saw her daughter. The thought alone brought her to quiet tears, but May did not notice.

That night, after May had fallen asleep in her room, Adolpha, Ajax, and Quince had found one another outside, gathered their supplies, took their mules from the public stables, and then left. Adolpha was hesitant to step out of River's Bed for the very first time, but with encouragement from her friends, she did so, all too aware that every step brought her farther away from May, farther away from Aunt Ware, and farther away from Mayor Kelo. But Adolpha was confident that they would be alright, and that they would be able to take care of one another. In fact, it was almost a relief to know that Yakob would follow her out of River's Bed, as it meant that he would not be able to hurt May or Ware, and that thought gave her immense comfort.

"I think we should try to get to Jasper tonight," Ajax said. The three of them rode along on trotting mules beneath a clouded night sky, their bags shuffling, strapped to the mules' rears, and silver chainmail armour clinking. The breeze was gentle, but not warm nor friendly, and the air felt heavy with tension. Blood was on its way.

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