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Y/n is your name
Story will mostly be in 1stperson 3rd person shit and dialogues
Y/n will be refered as you


You were still in ur school lively in class popular as anime kid and everyone knew about her gilgamesh obsession

You and your friends planned a small hiking trip

"Even though all my friends are unfaithful and mere pick me how's going out won't hurt much" y/n thought to herself

It was almost evening and they stopped at a safe yet sketchy place but decided to build tents anyways
They would cook food and eat chat about others while i (y/n) stare at their faces hearing it all , I'm only in the group because I'm smart kinda

All went asleep there were 5 of us so all of us in same tent
I always held my Gilgamesh keychain in my hand I woke up midnight I did not feel it in my hand and as soon as I stood up the ground started shaking with a brighter light i could see myself and us falling into ground

Next we opened out eyes were in a forest near Lake scattered across someone on tree someone on ground in pit I was on water shore barely scaped drowing away

Evryone helped each other gathered our composure back
I was all wet but the weather was pleasent tho the ground was sand it all sticked to my clothes , ah shit it's pathetic I skulled

Other girls saw something like an entrence cheating

I saw the entrance and it felt exactly like from the fate anime , i couldn't believe my eyes ,no way why are we here how did we got here will gilgamesh be here I blushed ,, am I daydreaming i pinched myself it wasn't a dream it actually was uruk from history and ruled by king gilgamesh

I tried to lead them and warned them about king Gilgamesh "y'all listen to me or it will cost ur life, we are not in our world , this is uruk and it's ruled by gilgamesh he won't hesitate to kill you if he's displeased"

They laughed me off saying ur the first one he would kill look at ur clothes and went ahed , I had to follow them anyways people stared at us out clothes were diffrent i was getting really uncomfortable that said some shoulders came and tied our hands cause we were intruders to them anyways we were presented in the kings court I wasn't in the best situations but my heart was racing to see him I was alredy all heated up

Us five in sketchy clothes and appearance were now in kinds court gilgamesh was seated on his throne resting his head on his arm his crimson eyes with a hint of cruelty looked at us 

There were ushiwaka merlin shiduri who looked at us with wonder tho merlin was calm and analysing us, uhh the scum wizard

The solider who got us here said to the king "my king these sketchy people were walking around in group and they don't even look alike any of the civilians either" my friends mumbled I was all quite and did gave them looks to stop

Gilgamesh spoke with his dominant cold fone " you on the very left" meeee???? My heart I think skipped some beats i blushed but regained it nervously nodded " yes my king" looking down avoiding contact

To be continued

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