𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐.

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Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

It's 7:25. Breakfast in the Great Hall. The Great Hall was truly a sight to behold. The long table-benches gleamed with polish, their wooden surfaces perfectly smooth and reflective. The walls were covered with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the academy, the shades of blue were vibrant and rich. High above, the ceiling was painted with ornate frescoes, their delicate details illuminated by the warm glow of flickering candle-lit chandeliers which dangled from the ceiling. A large fireplace dominated one end of the room, providing warmth and light to the grand hall. It was a place where one could imagine the greatest thinkers and scholars of the time, gathered to discourse and feast. I never attended schools, i'd been tutored my whole life at the castle. This was a new experience for me, the socializing.. the running to my next class in different campuses, the dormitories.. roommates. My roommates are thankfully my two best friends, Ryan and Zidane, but they are both way too messy for my liking.

I'm at on of the benches, eating quietly. Alone. Until a tray slides towards me, and someone takes a seat opposite me.

"Hey." the person grins at me, i raise an eyebrow and eye him up and down slowly. 

"Hello, nice to meet you." he replies to his own self, sarcastically. Rolling his eyes he picks up his fork and stabs a few pieces of fried egg and shoves it in his mouth.

"So, im- Matteo." he says through his slightly muffled mouth, i cringe a bit. - He was a bit of a messy eater.

"Kol." my eyes stuck on my tray, i was slightly put-off as i dragged my bacon gently across the tray, yep i was put off. I throw my fork down on the tray and look up as he finally swallows his food and opens his mouth to speak.

"Yeah i know, you're the flashy prince who walked in this morning." he grins, taking a sip of his goblet containing -what i'm guessing is- tea, setting it down and eyeing me closely. "You're oddly quiet." he murmurs, his eyes narrow. I raise a eyebrow, unamused.

"Alright..?" i murmur, leaning back slightly from the bench table, which he, for some reason, takes as a sign to lean in and annoy me further.

"So you're 19 huh? Why join an Academy so late? You're a fourth year only have 2 years left." his voice was sarcastic and i got the slight hint that he was mocking me. I fold my arms and watch as he continues to stuff himself like he'd been starving for a week. Abnormal specimen is all i can think of how to describe this boy sitting Infront of me.

"You eat like a pig." i say quite loudly, he blinks. He stabs his fork into the air, pointing it in my direction.

"And you're being a dick." he says a bit louder, heads glance slightly at our direction and he continues to chew with a grin, those beady eyes not leaving mine. I can feel my jaw tighten and i straighten up.

"Is there an actual reason to why you're here, pestering me?" i glance at him as he slows down his chewing, glances at a random pillar as his mouth is slightly open and words hang from them. I'm ready for any rubbish he's about to let loose. Instead he lets out a small hm. And swallows.

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