𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.

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Beep, beep beep

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Beep, beep beep. On and On. Beep, beep beep! God won't it stop..? 

Beep.. beep.. finally.


"Shit!" i yelp, jolting up right in my bed, i quickly glance at the clock, it was currently 6:45 am. I tilt my head, i didn't set it this early.. i turn my head to see Elodie, reading quietly in her bed.

"Did you- set my alarm for this time?" i mumble slowly, my eyes slowly closing again..

"Yes, i did." she says quietly, flicking a page across, she lifts her eyes up to face me and notices my eyes droop.

"Hey! Don't fall asleep, i wanted you up early for a reason Elena.."

"Yes, i am awake." i widen my eyes slightly, fidgeting to keep myself awake.

"Okay.. well go freshen up quickly, so we can head to Sapphire campus." she says lowly, her eyes flickering back towards her page.

"Sapphire campus? But breakfast is in Lapis campus-" i blink, tilting my head as she sighs slowly and places her bookmark on the page and slaps the book shut, placing it on her nightstand.

"We're going to skip breakfast today." she climbs out of bed, walking towards our walk-in-closet, i quickly scramble out of bed and follow, watching as she scurries about.

"What? Skip breakfast?" i drop my face slightly, she scoffs a laugh.

"Why are you so desperate for breakfast today?" she says, opening one of the many closet doors, scanning for something.

"I didn't eat last night at dinner, i was busy at the library." i mumble, she faces me and purses her lips.

"Well, tough. We're missing it." she shrugs and faces back towards the inside of the closet.

"What's so important that we're missing breakfast?" i fold my arms and lean against the counter.

"Not sure yet." she grabs a hanger out which was holding her polo shirt, walks over to  the drawers opposite, grabbing her jumper.

"Hold on- you don't know?" i blink again, standing a bit straighter as my arms unfold.


"So you wake me up earlier than i'd like to be, than i should  be. You then forbid me breakfast all because we need to go to Sapphire campus because there's something 'important' going on - yet you have no idea what it is." she ponders over the thought and then nods, i purse my lips and tilt my head, nodding slowly.

"Can't we just--"

"No." she turns her head to meet me, raising her eyebrows and i groan slightly.

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